Chapter Seven

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"Sire! Sire!" The young mech shouted as he gripped his arm and shaking it quickly. "Yes Bumblebee?" He whispered and set his digit over his mouth plate. "I'm scared.." He muttered and hugged him tightly.

   "It will be alright Bumblebee," His carrier whispered and outstretched her arms. He let go of his sire crawling over his legs and getting to the femme.

  He stared out in the distance of the dark grey cybertronian sky and the few seekers that had been apart of Megatron's troop for small time. The deafening sound of the jets made the sparkling jump and whimper.

  "Don't worry Bumblebee," His carrier whispered and hugged him tightly as she started to rock slowly. He crawled away from her grasp and hid between the two of the bots forcing himself through a small hole that was nearby.

  His bright blue optics peeked from below the hole and watched the seekers approach. The clanking of their footsteps had pulled to a halt and stopped at the front of the sire and carrier.

The seeker had froze in its tracks and left from the view of  the sparkling. He let out all the toxic air and pulled his legs close to his chassis rocking back and forth. He felt the small arm from his carrier wrap around him as she looked at him with her bright blue optics.

"I love you, my little Bumblebee."

  The seeker grabbed the sire and carrier holding them tightly around their necks. "Where are the others!" He demanded not hesitating the squeeze even harder. "We won't tell you," The sire muttered and felt his life slowly fading. The seeker smirked and and turned the sire around and stabbed his digit into his spark and soon did the same to the carrier.

  Bumblebee watched horror in his optics about to leak coolant as he saw his sire and carrier drop to the ground. The words that only flowed through his helm continued as he started to cry and push himself further down the hole.

"I love you, my little Bumblebee."

   The mech had awoken with a shock feeling as if he had experienced the moment now. He looked around feeling tiny arms that were wrapped around his waist. He looked down and noticed Arcee hugging him as if it were her job. "Bee.." She whispered and felt the coolant that had streamed down his faceplate.

His optics strayed away from his stare as he looked over at the wall that had supported him. "Whichever con did this to you," He muttered as anger boiled up inside of him. "I will find him, I promise."

Barricade walked in and sneered when he saw the two bots he despised most. "Glad for you to be here," Optimus said waiting patiently for him to go to the crowd of trainees.

  He pushed past Bee making him stumble back a few steps. Arcee gave him a look that could kill then turned her focus back to the prime. He held his data pad and and typed a few things before looking back up.

"Notes on your data pad, I advice for you to study for next solar cycle," He set down his data pad and turned his helm to see Elita walking in.

"They have no clue Optimus," She chuckled softly and looked at them. "Team studies, choose a partner and we will review you progress for next solar cycle," She explained and she laughed a bit more. Bee nodded although he knew they couldn't see him.

"B-" " Arcee, partners?" Moonracer asked and smiled hoping she would say yes. Arcee sighed and turned to face her and nodded once and looked over her shoulder plate at Bee.
  The mech knew that the two wheeler wanted to be his partner but her friend asked. Smokescreen looked at him and asked to be his partner knowing that he couldn't refuse his offer.

  Bumblebee couldn't focus much after what had happened hoping that he would not have to experience it again. "What was that about?" Smokes asked as he thumbed the pad. "What was what about?" Bee asked as he looked up to see his blue optics.
  "Well, you were... leaking coolant," He explained and Bee's optics suddenly dimmed.

"I love you, my little Bumblebee."

  He looked at him unsure on how to explain what happened and looked back at his data pad noting things in his processor. "Come on Bee, nightmare? dream?" Smokes pleaded and hoped for the answer.


  "It was a vision from the past, something that happened when I was a sparkling," Bee had started as Arcee peeked over her shoulder and tried to listen. "My sire and carrier, seekers were searching for bots and... they both were killed by a low life mech that asked for the others location...But the mech killed them.. in front of me... and I stayed down in a small gorge until somebot had found me..." Bee explained and lowered his helm.

  Arcee wanted to hug him again but knew that Smokes and Moonracer would tease her as long as she functioned. "Bee has had a rough life," Arcee muttered as she answered a question on her data pad. Moonracer sighed and  thought more about it and felt horrible for what had happened.

They were dismissed and Bee walked out leaving his friend behind. Smokescreen felt guilt build up inside as if he added more pain to his friend's internal injuries. A large servo had set on his shoulder plate as he looked over to see Optimus glaring at him.

"It's the external wounds that heal the quickest."

  Arcee pushed past Moonracer and transformed speeding out of the room to find Bumblebee. "I may have hit a wrong turn when I asked him.. the question.." He muttered and looked at the femme. "You think?" Moonracer replied with a hint  of annoyance.
Bumblebee stood in the crowd as he waiting for the medic to come from the other room. Arcee transformed and started to lose her balance then looked up to see no Bumblebee. She mumbled a few words that were unclear then started looking for black and yellow plating.

"Bee?" She questioned and walked over to him. He mumbled a few words, stopping in his place refusing to look at her. "Bee.." She asked softly. She huffed in annoyance and turned him over.

  " Bee listen," She demanded and looked at him as he refused to make contact with her. " Bee.. Smokescreen didn't mean to make you upset.. you are not the only one who has had they sire and carrier.. removed.." Her voice had slowly trailed off as she stared at the floor.

He looked at her for a split second. "Arcee.." He mumbled and looked at her. "I do not want anyone to pity me, it changes nothing." A sad smile shown on her faceplate as she felt memories come back. They stared for a few minutes until the loud steps of metal peds sounded.

"Sorry to interrupted this beautiful moment....  But class will start soon, " Ironhide walked over and smirked slightly. Alright then.


The medic worked quietly,  unfamiliar with the crowd of trainers that stood before him.  "Ratchet,  sir...  With all due respect not to question your teaching abilities...  But aren't we supposed to be learning... " A mech with a red paint job and had somewhat of a raspy voice commented.

  He mumbled a few words then looked back at him. " If you ever so wish to continue your commenting, do so elsewhere, but this I refer to as science, with silence. Now please Knockout, if you don't want to review what has happened I suggest you watch and learn," He snapped leaving him at a lost at words.

  He smiled slightly and set a tool on his desk for just in case. Most of the trainees fell into a quick recharge until the bell rang. "Review for tomorrow!" The medic shouted and threw a wrench at the door making it shut close. Delightful.


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