Story Idea #1

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Title: Through the Wall

Summary: A girl (choose the name) stays home one night after her roommate leaves their dorm room for a party and hears the next door guy (name the boy) crying through the extremely thin walls. She comforts him and talks to him until they both fall asleep. <Insert rest of the story>

Character looks (just a suggestion:
Girl: honey brown hair with a heart shaped face, pouting lips, and gray eyes that have eye bags underneath. Usually doesn't wear makeup and often wears baggy sweatshirts/hoodies with leggings and converse. Hair is usually in a messy bun or ponytail. She also has thick, Harry Potter like glasses that often slip down her nose

Guy: jet black hair with squared jaw, pointed nose, and chocolate brown eyes that are usually brimmed with tiredness or redness from crying. If he smiles (which is rarely) he has 1 dimple on the left side of his face. Not 2. 1 dimple. Usually wears a dark blue hoodie that hides his face and worn out jeans and sneakers.

Character Background:
Girl: shy bookworm that is typically not known for her looks and majors in literature. Had an abusive father (no one knows about) and mother died (no one knows about). She moved away to start afresh using her part of her grandfather's heritage (the main reason why the father is abusive if becuz the grandfather left the money to her and not him) Currently in freshman year and has no friends so far. Relationship with roommate: fairly bad

Guy: mysterious, dark character that often scares people away and had 1 close friend who died due to <guy main character> drunk driving on their senior year. He blames himself for it and shuts everyone out. Roommate is a junior (meaning like college years)  jock that goes to parties often which is the reason why guy main character is crying so openly. Currently in freshman year
Relationship with roommate: barely speaks to one another



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A/N: If you use my idea, message me so I can read it and give me credit :) I actually found this on a tumblr post a while ago but forgot who said it. Well credit to that one tumblr user 👍

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