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Remor, also knows as "The Terrible Black" or "The Prince of Darkness", is a large, monstrous, and shadow-like creature who serves as the antagonist for most of the story. He is adept at manipulating humans into killing and furthers their suffering for his enjoyment, taunting them in the process.

That being said, like the rest of all the abnormal creatures Fran sees, Remor may not even truly exist at all, and may just be a product of Fran's mental instability, caused by being experimented on by Dr. Oswald, simply acting as an avatar of Fran's own psychosis and fear.

According to himself, Remor cannot be seen in the Third Reality for too long at a time.


Remor has the head, or mask, of a blood-soaked goat skull with long human teeth protruding from his upper lip and empty black eyes with white pupils, while his body is long, black and cape-like, draping on the floor. Remor has bone-like ridges down his back as well.


A being made of despair, Remor lives off of taunting humans and watching them suffer. He won't hesitate to even manipulate and presumably possess them to do horrible things. For example, we see a cutscene in which Fran is shown to be killing her parents, while Remor is off to the side taunting her. He says "Who was it, my darling? Who killed your parents?" This would seem to suggest that Fran was possessed by Remor and forced into killing her parents. However, as Remor might be a manifestation of Fran's psychosis, this might really suggest she was drugged and experimented on so much that her mind was unstable to the point that she would kill her own parents. She has clearly been shown to not really be able to grasp the concept of Death. For example, she asks of the decapitated heads of animals if they are tired or sad. This makes it even more believable that she might be able to murder her own parents. Alternatively, she has been shown through the story to grasp the idea of her parents death, or at least to some degree, saying at multiple points "No! I Did Not Kill My Parents!" Also, real or personification, it had been shown throughout the story that Remor is able to lie people, so this cutscene might have been the work of a twisted liar.

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