First Date

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Tip: Italicised writing, Like this, means a flash back.

*bzz bzz*

It was 2pm and kenma was woken up by the sound of a ringing phone. He groans and flops over, grabbing it off of the bed side table. He looks at the caller. Kuroo.

"Good morning sleepy head" greeted an overly cheerful kuroo.

"Where are you?" Kenma would usually wake up to the smell of food and a singing Kuroo downstairs, or a sleepy kuroo beside him. Today, there was neither, just their lazy cat snoring beside him.

"Ho ho ho"


"You can begin" Kuroo said in a excited yet teasing tone.

"Begin what?"

*beep beep beep*

"Great." Kenma got up and put on a pair of comfortable jeans and a black hoodie. He brushed his hair and went downstairs to look for Kuroo.

"He better not be playing hide and seek again." Kenma mumbled to himself.

He took a very brief look around the house just in case but decided that he would come out sooner if he stopped looking. He went to the kitchen to see if Kuroo left him any breakfast and luckily, there was a plate of waffles. He lifted the plate so he could go eat on the couch and noticed that there was a note underneath. He picked it up, it read:

"Go to: First date"

Kenma blushed thinking of their first date, but laughed slightly when he remembered the awkwardness.

Kuroo had come to pick Kenma up. He would always just barge into his house without warning, but this time, Kenma wasn't finished getting ready, so Kuroo walked right in on a shirtless kenma who had his long hair tied up.

Kenma heard the sound of the door slamming open and spun around to see the red faced Kuroo who was staring awkwardly at Kenma's good frame and unusual hairstyle.

"Uhm... Hey Kuroo.. Im not ready yet but you can watch TV in the living room while you wait.. If you want."

"Oh uh, thanks." Kuroo was still red faced and Kenma was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable since Kuroo was staring at his body. Luckily, Kuroo snapped out of his trance, shook his head, and headed for the living room. Kenma then put on a grey, sleeveless hoodie, untied his hair, and brushed it.

"Ok I'm done." Kenma called out to his date who was watching some reality show called "Keeping up with the Plisetskys" or something like that.

(Did you get my reference? I put it there because Yuri's such a drama queen XD)

Kenma made sure he locked the door behind him, and they started walking down the footpath towards the park.

"So Kenma, do you usually tie up your hair like that?" Kuroo was back to his normal, cocky self.

"I guess." Kenma replied, putting his hands in his pockets to shield them from the Autumn cold that was beginning to set in.

"Well I've never seen you wear it like that." Kuroo poked Kenma's shoulder.

"That's because if I wore it like that at school, I'd stand out too much." Kenma looked down at the ground, his pudding like hair covering his eyes, as if silently telling Kuroo he didn't want the conversation going down that path. Kuroo caught on and decided to change the subject.

"Do you want to get something to drink? There's a coffee shop just there." He pointed to a small shop to their left.


They walked up to the counter and ordered two hot chocolates.

"Three sugars? Isn't that a bit sweet?" Kenma wasn't one for sweet things so he questioned Kuroo's order.

"Sweet like you." Kuroo said under his breath.


"Uh, I mean.. I didn't put any in yours so don't worry." He said hurriedly.

Kenma was pretty sure he heard Kuroo correctly, but decided to leave it alone. They got to the park and sat underneath a tree. They were talking about a new game that Kuroo had bought. Their conversation ended but it was still nice not talking, they instead, just enjoyed each others presence. Kenma spaced out a bit while watching some children play but snapped back into reality when he heard the sound of scraping. He turned to see kuroo carving something into the tree with a stick. When he was done, the result was a picture of a cat plus a pudding.

"What is cat plus pudding?" Kenma was curious as to what the meaning was behind the carving.

"Well people always say I look like a cat and your hair kinda reminds me of a pudding sooo..."

"Oh." Kenma's face heated up but he couldn't look away from Kuroo's mesmerising eyes. Kuroo flashed him one of his rare, genuine, smiles.

"I like it, I hope it stays" Kenma added.

"Me too."

They talked a little while longer before it got cold and Kuroo offered to walk Kenma home. Kenma accepted his offer and they waved each other good bye as Kenma closed the front door.

It was a good first date, Kenma definitely enjoyed it. So with the note in one hand, and a waffle in the other, he got into his car and drove towards the direction of the park.

Did you like it? There will be about four or five chapters in this so i do hope you enjoy it! Also, WTF MY OTHER STORY GOT OVER 100 VIEWS?!!? Thanks for the views guys 🙏🏻 I appreciate it! Its what helps me keep writing!!

Anyways~ Cya!

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