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Opening my door with a smile, I slid into the smoother exterior of his car. For a high schooler, this was a pretty nice car.

"18th birthday present from dad." He said, smirking as I nodded my head, appreciating the smoothness of his car as he drove. My car was nice too, a 2014 model, but his car felt as if we were floating.

"So, I was planning on going out to eat then the movies? I'm assuming you need to get back by eleven correct?" He said with a dimpled smile.

"Yeah that sounds about right." I said with a laugh. He nodded, turning back to the road and going silent. The silence wasn't uncomfortable but it wasn't comfortable either, more of an awkward silence you could say. I turned to him to start conversation only to have him start conversation.

"You go first." I say with a tentative smile.

"I was just gonna ask if you'd want to listen to any music." He said, the tips of his cheeks tuning slightly pink.

"Yeah, sure." I said. So he felt the awkwardness too. He reached to tune the radio while keeping his eyes on the road.

"What do you like? 102.9? 107.7? 99.9?" He asked.

"Doesn't matter, I don't listen to much radio anyway." I said with a shrug of my shoulders. Which was true. I listened more to spotify or my own music on my phone more than anything.

"Hm, interesting." He said. I looked to him to see what he meant by that and he looked deep in thought. "Then what kind of music do you like?" He asked.

This would be easier than I thought it would be. I sat up straighter in my seat and turned towards him.

"I have so many I don't know where to start!" I said.

"Let's start with bands." He said.

"I absolutely adore One Direction. 5 Seconds of Summer, The Cab, The Black Keys-"

"You like the cab too?! He said looking at me briefly. "I have yet to meet someone who does. Well, had." He said.

"Yeah, they're amazing. My friends don't care much for them either." I said. It started from there. From our favorite bands to other places of interests. It was a lot more easier than I was expecting it to be. We didn't realize how late it had gotten sitting his car until the lights in the parking lot had flickered on.

"Guess we should head in to eat shouldn't we?" He said.

"I guess that seems appropriate." I agreed. The restaurant was a laid back and cool. It was obviously a place that would come first to mind you wanted to watch football. We sat down and ordered our food. My food arrived before his did much to our amusement. I pushed the plate a little further away from me so that its tantalizing smell wouldn't put me into too much agony as we waited for his food to arrive.

"Ava aren't you going to eat?" Damien questioned.

"Can't eat till your food comes." I said. He rolled his eyes.

"You don't have to do that dig in." He said.

"You sure?" I ask.

"Go ahead." He said. I wasted no time and and bit into the burger,
"This is so good." I said, wiping the corners of my mouth.

"It's my favorite place to go." Damien said. His food finally arrived, it was similar to mine. Dinner seemed to fly by, and before it actually registered in my head, he paid for dinner and we were off to the movies ... or so I thought.

"I was thinking Ava, have you been to a record store?" He asked.

"No, I don't think so." I answered honestly.

I have a proposition for you, you're free to decline and we can go to the movies instead if that's what you want." He said, eyes focused on me.

"What is it?" I asked, curious.

"How about we go to a record store?" He asked excitedly.

"Sure why not." I said with a shrug of my shoulders. Why not?

"It's not too far from here, 10-15 minutes at most." He said. "So, tell me about your family. Any siblings?"

I didn't know how to answer without sounding off. Only a few people knew, I in fact did have a sibling. We just never talked about her, my mother had an affair when I was 13, resulting in a love child. She was four now, she's a sweet girl her gorgeous green eyes and black hair. In any other situation I would do anything to have her as a sister but since I actually did, Id do anything to not have her as a sister. It's not her personally, it's just how she was made. In secrecy and betrayal. It still shocked me when my dad told me we would 'sweep it under the rug'. I couldn't stand my mother then and even now, four years later I get instances where I can't stand to be near her.

"No I don't. Just me." I said, clearing my throat uncomfortably. He seemed to know I wasn't telling the whole truth but didn't press me about it. "You?" I asked, reflecting the question off of me and into him.
"I have two younger siblings. One sister and one brother. Hayden is 6 and Gianna is 3." He said.

"Aw, so you're the big brother." I said.

"Yeah, it's great about 95% of the time." He said.

What about the other 5%?" I asked. He grimaced,

"Believe me, you don't want to know. Anything you do for fun?" He asked.

"Reading, sleeping, shopping." I said. It began then, he kept pelting me with one question after the other wanting to know every little bit about me. At first it was a little unsettling, but I soon grew used to it and actually enjoyed it. Its not often guys come knocking at my door.Well, they do they just never seem to interest me. Much too soon, we arrived at the record store and it was like a whole different world.

Records lined every free space of wall in the shop, making you feel like you're immersed in the music itself. There was a song by an artist I wasnt familiar with playing in the background. There were seven racks of records extensively organized based on genre and popularity. I unconsciously drifted towards the section that had some of my favorite artists with special edition vintage covers I've never seen.

"These are so sweet! Where'd they find these? I've never seen these before." I murmured brushing a gentle hand over that cover.

"That's the cool thing about this shop. You can send in artwork for an album you like and then they print them out depending on how many you buy. Most just buy two; one for themselves and another they leave behind for someone to buy. Its a pretty smart idea actually." He said.

"So I'm assuming you come here often." I said, turning my attention towards him His eyes were dancing, excitement apparent in his eyes.

"Yeah. I come here to... think." He said, voice faltering on the last word. He knew I caught his voice change but kept the conversation moving.

"Wanna buy something? It's on me." He said, offering. After some coaxing, I finally broke my hold and let him buy me two records with the limited- well only- edition records. One was, of course, an One Direction one. Out of the two, it had to be my favorite. Each of the boys were talking and laughing amongst themselves in a stadium, with the crowd cheering behind them. There seemed to be some much going on in the picture, but my eyes involuntarily strayed towards the center,where they were. It was truly a beautiful picture. The second one was Ed Sheeran. It was double sided so it had both albums, Plus and Multiply were on the cover They were overlaid but that the same time, it seemed to be two separate pictures of you looked at it from a distance. Both pictures captivated me.

"So I'm guessing you'll be back?" He said, looking at my face with a small smile.


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