Chapter 1- True Cross Academy

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Also, I drew that picture of Rin for this series so hope you like it 😅

~your p.o.v~
"Ryu!! Wait for me!!" I yelled. I ran and eventually caught up with Ryuji, Renzo, and Konekomaru. "Hey (y/n)" Rennie said, as Maru waved. "Are you sure you wanna help us? The boxes are pretty heavy.." Ryuji asked. "I've got it," I said, picking up a box. "Wow, you're pretty strong (y/n).. I can barely lift one" Maru said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. I simply giggled at his remark.

One by one, we carried the boxes to the temple. "Finally done," Rennie said tiredly. "Juzo wanted me to help him with something after we were finished with the boxes. See you guys later!" Rennie said, running out of the storage room. Maru, Ryuji and I walked into the kitchen. "Oh! Mrs.Suguro, may I help you with that?" Maru asked my mum, who was currently making everyone's meals. "Oh thank you Konekomaru dear. That'd be lovely." mum answered. Ryuji and I sneakily ran from the kitchen. "Good thing we didn't get caught, I don't like making food!" Ryuji exclaimed. "Yeah same, it's really annoying. But I got this!"I said, holding a cucumber.

Ryuji and I ran outside and found dad reciting sutras to Buddha. We sneakily peeked in. "Ryuji! (y/n)! Haven't I told you two not to come here?" Dad said, without even turning around to look at us. "We brought an offering for Buddha! So can we listen to you recite the sutras again, Dad?" Ryuji asked, holding up the cucumber. "What am I going to do with you two? Fine, come in," Dad said, turning around and smiling at us.

After dad was finished, he told us to go and get ready for dinner. Ryuji and I raced to the temple and upstairs to our shared room to change out of our dirty clothes we had on from playing outside earlier. After we were finished changing, we, again, raced downstairs to the dining area and sat in our usual seats that were across from Maru and Rennie.

After dinner, we were sent to bed. Ryuji laid in his bed as I laid in mine. "Have you ever heard of the story of 'The Blue Night'?" Ryuji asked. "'The Blue Night'? What is that?" I asked. "Well, one day while everyone was praying, Satan slowly started to possess people in the room, including dad. Satan possessed and killed all of Maru's family, which is why he doesn't have any anymore." Ryuji explained with pain in his voice. "T-that's horrible.." I said, shocked. "Yeah.. Which is why I wanna become an exorcist! So I can kill Satan," Ryuji said. "An exorcist? Isn't that gonna be hard?" I asked. "Yeah, but its worth it.." Ryuji said. "Yeah.." I said, falling asleep.

~time skip~
Over the years, Ryuji convinced me to become an exorcist with him, so we can kill Satan together. I was scared, but I agreed. Satan killed Maru's family, that monster.

"We're going to go to True Cross Academy, in Tokyo, for high school," Ryuji explained, our parents shocked. "We're going to study exorcism at their cram school to become exorcists, to lead our followers. I want to learn as many types of exorcism lore as I can, and I'm sure (y/n) does as well." "I forbid it," Dad said. "Why?!" Bon yelled, angrily. "I told you before! You're free to do what you want with your life! You two are smart! Neither of you has had a Temptaint! You can't leave this life behind! You can even take over your mother's inn!" Dad argued, only infuriating Ryuji more and more. "This is what both of us want to do with our lives! We've already talked about it with each other! Like any of us would take over a stupid inn!" Ryuji said in an angry tone. "This discussion is over." Dad said, getting up to leave. "You're running away?" Ryuji said. "You're hardly ever at home, you refuse to join the order," "And you've abandoned the Myoda sect! I'm sorry, but Ryuji is right. All you do is run away!" I added. "Do you know what everyone says about you, dad? They call you a coward! A degenerate priest! Doesn't that make you pissed? It sure does to me!" I kept arguing. "We're not gonna run away!" Ryuji stood up and yelled.
~End flashback~

"Wow!" I said, running up to the school gates. "This school is huge!" Rennie said. "(y/n), do you want me to walk you to your dorm?" Ryuji asked. "Nope! I'll meet you guys in class!" I said, running off to my dorm. I walked in and to my room. I saw a girl hauling her belongings into her room. I thought it would be a good idea to make friends with my neighbours, even though I don't usually like making new friends. "Need any help?" I asked as she looked like she was struggling. "Me? No way. I can do it on my own, thank you very much," the girl said sarcastically. "Oh, okay... What's your name?" I asked. "Are you ever gonna leave me alone? I'm Izumo Kamaki. Now leave," She said. "Oh, Izumo-chan! Nice name!" I said as I walked into my own dorm with my two large suitcases and my backpack. 'It's nice to have a room to myself' I thought as I started unpacking my belongings.

After I was done unpacking, it was nearly  6:30. 'Cram school starts at 8... Or was it 8:30? I don't remember! I'll ask the others!' I thought. I took out my phone and started texting the group chat I had with Ryuji, Rennie, and Maru.

(y/n)- What time does Cram school start again?
Maru- 😑
Rennie- I was just about to ask that 😅
Ryu- It usually starts at 8, but since it's our first day it starts at 8:30
(y/n)- Thanks, candy-chan!!
(y/n)- 😉

'Better start getting ready then..' I thought as I put my phone on my nightstand and stood up to start getting ready. After I was finished getting ready, I got on my uniform, grabbed my book bag, and made my way to class.

"(y/n)!" Ryuji said, waving me over to where he and the others were sitting. "How do you like your room?" Maru asked. "Do you have a roommate?" Rennie asked, basically drooling, as the rest of us deadpanned. "No, actually. I've got the whole room to myself!" I exclaimed excitedly. "I wish I could have my own room. Renzo doesn't know how to keep his side of the room clean," Ryuji said in an annoyed tone. "What about you Maru? Who's your roommate?" I asked. "Some random guy from the main building. He's actually pretty cool," Maru said. I opened my mouth to say something, but a student opened the door, catching the attention of everyone in the class. "I'm Rin Okumura. Nice to meet ya" The boy with blue hair said in a cool voice. I watched him as he sat down. "What's with the sword?" Rennie asked. "He's probably training to become a knight, dumbass," Ryuji answered, in a mocking tone. Right then, the door opened again, revealing a young-looking boy with brown hair, teal blue eyes, and glasses. "I'm your instructor. My name is, Yukio Okumura," The instructor said. 'Okumura...' I thought, thinking about the boy with blue hair, Rin. "Y-YUKIO?!" Rin exclaimed with confusion in his tone.

A/N: yo yo dudes! This is the first chapter of my Rin x reader book! Btw, (y/n) calls Ryuji Candy-chan, bc his nickname is Bon.... haha bonbon, candy, get it? I'll go home (I've been watching too much Shane Dawson, whoops).... Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed it. Just one more thing, the progression of this book might be a little slower than my Karma x Reader book, because that's my main priority when it comes to writing. But yeah! I'll update soon. Until next time, later!!

~Kitty ❣️

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2017 ⏰

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