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  • Dedicated to The heartbroken ones.

It was never the right place and never the right time. I had learned that so many times from different people under differently circumstances. The lesson was always the same.

Emily was a girl who grew up in the city. She was careful and cautious about her environment. The drunkens and the muggers never got to her. She had a broken heart, since she never found any boys that she could ask out.

And one day, all that had changed. This guy moved into her neighbourhood not long ago, and his name was Tom. A plain name, with a plain background, too.

Well, using that phrase of sailors', no news is good news.

She had met him on the street. They were teengagers who had their own problems that they didn't want to share with everyone. Teenagers respected others the most, because of various reasons.

"Hey, you are the, the," Emily clicked her fingers a couple of times, "The new kid that moved in, right?"

"Yeah." The boy said, he had light flaxen-coloured hair, shimmering a halo in the strong summer sunshine of New York, where she grew up to become a lawyer.

"I'm Emily." She introduced herself simply with a name. They were all plain, and the biggest dream of her life then was to find a date that she liked. Some of the girls in her classes did found dates but they didn't like them; they dated them because of their wealth.

Well, wealth is better than health in some people's eyes.

"Tom." They shook hands.

He liked music, just like her.

He was considered local enough, the family moved in and sold the old house because of mice. Normal people didn't bothered to get rid of all that money because of hideous creatures. They rather sell their houses and get that profit which was even bigger than the money they needed to get rid of mice.

He didn't like mice, just like her.

He changed school into hers, a local high. They were perfect a pair in the eyes of everyone. They went out on their first date, Tom in his T-shirt and jeans, Emily in a tank top and knee-lenth skirt. They went to a park, sat on the swings and chatted about random things. They grew to like each other in their own ways, hidden deep down in their hearts.

The only and the biggest mistake Tom had ever made was that he didn't keep a diary or a journal or anything of the sort. He chose to forget his past if he had to. It was one big mistake and one that Emily never forgave him.

Because at the wrong place at the wrong time, he was killed by a terroist attack onto some towers in sometime of 2001.

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