"well..well..well look who we have hear." My best friend, Ashley with jet black hair, said.
"She smells nice." My other best friend, Brittany with blonde hair, said.
"Ashley I havent seen you since elementary school they said you moved." I said surprized to see her here. Here. Where am I. I looked around it was the dirt road that those people took me from.
"You guys are never going to belive me I had a dream that vampires were real." I started laughing. Ashley was by my side in seconds.
"Try me." She whispered then these weird pointy teeth came in and she pieced my neck.
My eyes shot open and looked around it was dark black room with a red blub. I tried to lefted my arm. I couldnt it was straped down on a table like my other limbs. The door opened and two people walked in two tall skinny women. The first one was blonde and had makeup on also a pink lab coat. The second one was more geeky she had a white lab coat and glasses her hair was in a ponytail.
"Oh, look whos finally up." The first girl said walking toward me.
"Where am i?" I asked as strongly as I could.
"Youre still at vample." She said.
"Hears the deal you can change your name but no connection to your past life." The geeky one told me. The blonde whispered 'if she had a life' then chuckled.
"I heard that." I was confused.
"Listen go settle down. Your room is 132 girls side." The blonde one threw me a set of keys. I studied them carefully. There was three keys the first one said 'room' second 'cabnet' third 'spare room'.
"Tommorrow youll change your name and get a new phone. As far as your parents know you somehow vanished, disappeared so no contact." Geeky one said looking threw her clipboard. "Also no pets allowed. You get a phamplet of the rules a map and extras."
"Drink this." Blonde stated shoving a glass of ketchup like substance. "Its good drink up." I didnt want to. "Drink or ill shove it down your throat." I instantly started gulping it down. I was like all my tastebud went crazy and had a party in my mouth like me trying new tooth paste my mom bought me. Its better than pizza. Forget pizza its better than choclate, vanilla, ice cream. Anything really."Its delious what is it?"
"Its my blood." The geeky one said.pulling up her sleeve. There was a bandge over her elbow woth a little red spot in the middle. I spitted it all over the floor.
"Here." The blonde one let my arms go and then my legs. I sat up and lefted my hand to my mouth then I felt it. Two sharp teeth. They were in my mouth.
"You going to sit there all day or what?" The blonde one was pushy.
"How did I get these?" I asked blankly. The geek moved my hair back.
"Ms. Feathers bit you like she did me and Rachel." I felt my neck there was dry blood in the shape of a mouth.
"Take care of it and itll go away, now if you dont mind I have a party to atend to." The blonde on left leaving me with the geek.
"Here," she handed me a book fill of paper, " This is everything you need to know. Go to your room and rember it saturday so monday you have classes." She left me alone.
"Room 132." I reminded myself. I opened the map. Its just around the corner. I got up and walked out the door. It was dark outside. I must have been out for a while. I was took on thursday night so I was out about a day or so.
"Hey you look lost." A girls voice called behind me. I twirled around to see a red head standing there staring. She had a pink loose top and skinny jeans with black knee-high high heel boots on.
"I-Im in room 132." I said scared to death.
"ROOM 132 OMG!!!!!!! HELLO ROOMATE!!!!!!!!" She yelled and squealed running up to me a hugging me. I didnt hug back I just kinda stood there smiling at her reaction.
"Oh im sorry," she stepped back and had her hand out for me to shake it, "im Rebecca Magic I kept my first name and changed my last to magic because I want to learn witch craft." I shook her hand.
"Im Jillian." I said letting go of our hand shake. We stood ther staring for a long while intill she took my hand and started running.
"Lets go see your new room."
high-low readers I hope you liked this chapter remeber comment what you think. well bye bye

Fantasyvampyres, vampyre college, new and old friends, everything is included.