You've made it
You've survived
You've come home
You've come back to me
I feel your presence behind me
The scent of you reaches me
Your warmth flowing over me
Despite the remaining distance
Cheek pressed to pillow
I keep my eyes shut
Not a word inches up my throat
Awaiting your next move
Minutes slip by
My heartbeat accelerates
Tongue moistens parted lips
Fingers clutch the pillow
Body pulses with anticipation
I'm on the verge of pleading
Just come over here already
I need you desperately
I've missed you terribly
Come to me
It's been so long
Revisit the bed we've shared
Allow our souls to reunite
Seconds slip by
Keen ears detect movement
You kick your shoes off
They fly in opposite directions
One strikes the wall to my left
Cracking open an eye
I spot its black leather
Gleaming in the moonlight
Filtering through thin curtains
The sound of your belt buckle
Stirs the butterflies within
It soon hits the floor
Along with your shed clothing
Your breathing is audible, quicker
Just like mine
Our bed squeaks
When you finally add your weight
Blithe tears sting my eyes
When those calloused hands
Trail along my calves
Your fingertips moving up and down
You discard my pajamas
Replacing soft fabric with softer lips
Tender kisses, gentle nips
Triple the yearning I have for you