Saturday, day 2

10 1 0

Dear diary,

I know perfectly well what adoption means, it means living with a family who acts like they care about you but hope at the same time you get out of the house as fast as you can. I really hoped I wouldn't have gotten adopted, I would wait until I was 18 and would go and live on my own. There were only 3 years left! Couldn't they just leave me alone?

I'm not a poor orphan, I know my uncle, he's a teacher at Hogwarts. The ministry thinks he's not responsible enough to raise me. 7 o'clock I got out of bed, I had a meeting with my adoption parent at 2. I got dressed as fast as I could, ran down the stairs, ate some bread only to find Madame Pimwell waiting for me at the door. I did not think she would be there.

I grabbed my jacked and put it on right in front of her. She did not say anything. "Good morning Madame Pimwell" I said and tried to get to the door. "Where do you think you're going?" She finally said. I answered "That's none of your business, in fact you're not even the one who has control over me, the owner of this orphanage is" in my head. Out loud I answered "Seeing my friends", miraculously she let me go.

I walked into an alleyway and apparated. I know that I'm not supposed to know how to apparate but well, who cares? I arrived at Hogwarts (It's handy knowing a teacher that tells you how to break the spell against apparating at Hogwarts).

I walked towards my uncle's office and knocked. "Come in" he said and I opened the door. I hugged him and said "I've been adopted". He didn't know how to respond, must be a family thing, I didn't know either. He looked at me "Well you know what to do". I sighted, he always insisted I should look for the rest of my family.

We talked a bit and after lunch I went back to Manchester. It was 13:50 and I ran to the living room. A woman was sitting there and I instantly recognized her, that was our English teacher. I sat down on the couch and Madame Pimwell said "You can talk, I'll be in the kitchen". I looked at the woman, I couldn't say a word, really I tried but nothing came out of my mouth. After a few minutes she walked to the kitchen and I heard her and Madame Pimwell talk. She left a few minutes later.

I was embarrassed the rest of the evening, I only ate my food and went to my room. I looked at my watch and thought about my real parents. Why would they have given me up? Because I have powers? I lay in my bed watching the stars through my window. I did know one thing about the rest of my family: who they were.


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