Long Distance Won't Work.

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Grazers POV

"Stace?" I asked after she kissed me "yea?" "Are you feeling what I'm feeling? " the only response I got was a kiss on the cheek. Then she got a kiss on the lips "yes of course" "I seriously couldn't sleep I didn't know you were magic?" I said "what are you on about robot?" She teased. "Well" I began " all of a sudden now I'm with you I think I'll get to sleep perfectly" she smiled (I think) it was dark. We layed together and we're soon asleep.


Stacy's POV

Why am I in a robots bed? Oh ya last night . Honestly what came over me. Oh yeah: lack of sleep. I got up and kissed zach on the head then left the room. I knew he was awake and faking it but I thought it would be less awkward if I left it alone. He soon came into the kitchen and joined me. "Sleep well" he asked "well I was with you so yea" it sounded cringey even to me but I left it. He was taller then me now so he kissed me on the head and grabbed us some drinks. "Right I know it's early but this needs to be adressed" I began " I know it does" he finished "right last night you said you loved me and I love you with all my heart, stace I just need to know what you told me last might about loving me, was it true?" He asked "100%, I would never lie to you g - Zach I love you" he flushed bright red.

Grazers POV

"That makes things easier" I said. I got closer to stacy. "Stace, I know it's sudden but will you be my girlfriend" I looked away scared of her answer. "No way" she began, I winced "that I would say no to that" she giggled I kissed her right then and there.

*around lunch time*

Suddenly my phone buzzed I had a notification : you're ment to go home in 7 hours . It hit me. I couldn't survive a long distance relationship. I'm gonna mess up so hard. Stace saw the notification and looked at me with concern. "I can't go" I said flatly. "But your house your life you can stay for longer if you want but I just" she stopped herself " I just don't know what to do" she looked like she would cry. I pulled her close to me as she began to cry on my shoulder. "Neither do I but I am NOT going to last a second without you" she smiled through the tears and we just stood their for minutes in an embrace with each other. "We always have skype" she said breaking the silence. "But I don't want skype I want you" "then stay" she said. "That's what I said I would do and you said that Canada was my home honestly make your mind up!" She laughed "well I guess it'll take a while to bring it all over here then.

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