(Third person pov)
The clancats glanced anxiously waiting for Thunder, Wind,River, Sky and Shadow to announce the selected cats for the slaughter games."I see a pool of ivy. Ivypool. A mouse with whiskers twitching.Mousewhisker. And a fox leaping out of fire. Foxleap." Thunder announced. "A crow's feather. Crowfeather. A bunch of heathers.
Heathertail. A tail covered with leaf. Leaftail."Wind continued. And Reedfeather, Dappletail, Minnowtail from Riverclan. Rowanclaw, Tigerheart, Olivenose from Shadowclan. Cherrytail, Bouncefire, Rabbitleap of Skyclan.
May the best wins.
(Ivypool pov)
"There will be 3 mentors given to each clan to train." Wind announced. I turn around to see who are the mentor of Thunderclan to see cats who I thought I would never see again. Infront of me was Hollyleaf, Firestar and Biarlight (And yes, she died of a rockfall in Bramblestar's storm when she was stuck.) " I give the power of sense of what is right and to treat others fairly." Firestar said with a hint of pride. "I give you the power of understanding, sense of touch and forgiveness. "Hollyleaf meowed with regret in her green eyes. 'She must be thinking of Ashfur,' I thought. "Speed is not everything. Even the weakest clancat can be the most loyal cat."Biarlight purred placing her muzzle against my fur.
(Mousewhisker pov)
Hollyleaf. The cat that died before I could tell her how I feel about her.
"Thunderclan's abilities are to climb, fight and hide. All this abilities must be remembered in the games."Firestar advised. "If a enermy pin you against somewhere, what would you do?" Hollyleaf asked. "Errrrr... Try to leap over them or push them back?" Foxleap answered hesitantly. Hollyleaf gave him a nod of approval before Biarlight hurled herself forwad."If your legs are broken, how would you defend yourself?" "We try to do a deathblow?" I suggested although I hated the thought of killing. "Many questions can have many answers."Hollyleaf mumbled before turning around and pad away.
I was thinking about warriors while playing hunger games soooooo I came up with this idea.
love ya peeps :P

Slaughter Games (SGW)
Fanfiction'If there was slaughter games in warriors,how would it be like?' A Fanfiction or forgiveness, betrayers,fighting and ofcourse mercy. A action packed Fanfiction filled with mysteries.