* Katie

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I watched as my mom beat Katie, the little girl we were babysitting. Katie and I were playing and she fell back and hit the table with my mom’s favorite vase on it. As soon as it crashed my mom was yelling. So now I sit here in the corner watching this poor little girl get hurt.

"Mom, stop! It was an accident!" I yelled. My mom turned and glanced at me with the stare a hawk gives its prey before it attacks. I was so scared for Katie. I had to say something. As I looked at her she seems unconscious. I got up quick and ran to the phone. I stumbled a little before reaching the phone, and even drop it. I picked it up and dialed 911 as fast as possible.

"911, what’s your emergency?" The lady asked on the phone.

"My mom is beating our neighbor’s daughter to death!" I cried despair.

"Ok, the police are on their way I'll just have to track your number to find your adress." The nice lady replied. I trembled in fear that my mom might hear me. I've tried this before and have been severely punished for it. Now I sat in the corner again. Waiting for my mom to stop and the cops to come. What if they can't save her? I thought to myself. What if Katie dies in this very apartment?

After a few minutes, I heard sirens and knocking on the door. "Who's that Crissy?!” My mom yelled. "Who did you call?" I completely ignored her and ran for the door. I opened it and cops came running in.

"Freeze! Put your hands up and step away from the little girl!" The cops ordered. My mom slowly stepped away from Katie’s limp body and told me to call my aunt.

I call Auntie Kandy and she answers sounding drunk like always. "Hello? Who's this?" She answered.

I responded "Hey, Auntie Kandy, its Crissy. Mom’s in trouble she said to come over."

I waited for the paramedics to come and see if Katie is still alive. That was the worst day of my life. That day I found out what a horrible person my mom was. That day I found out my mom killed my best friend, and I watched. I could have done something, and gotten hurt. But I took the selfish way out and watched her die. This will hang over me forever.

I watched as my mom got handcuffed and forced into the police car. Auntie Kandy pulled up and talked to the cops about what happened. My mom told me that if anything ever happened I would have to live with my aunt. So I'm guessing something happened and now I have to go live with her. The bad thing is she's just like my mom. She beats my cousins just like my mom beats me. So nothing will change, or get any better. I'll live the same life. Maybe even worse though because my aunt is always drunk, but my mom wasn't she just hit me for no reason.

I listened closely to hear what my aunt and the cops are talking about. "When is she coming back out?" my aunt asked.

The officer replied with "Well the young lady is dead so she is sentenced with murder. That should be about twenty years." I gasped in horror. That meant I'll be with her for twelve more years. Then once I'm eighteen, I’d have to get out of there, if I don’t run away before.

After I finished listening to their conversation, I turned to see something so horrible I wanted to die myself. I watched as Katie's body was rolled into the ambulance. As soon as the doors shut, I felt warmth on my face. It was tears. I was crying. I only cried when my mom hit me. But this hurt worse than her beatings. I will never forgive my mom for what she did.

I packed my bags and sat outside waiting for my aunt. I flinched at the sound of tires right behind me.

"Get in the car!" She demanded.

"Yes Auntie Kandy." I replied. The ride home was quiet. I couldn't stop picturing everything that just happened. Seeing Katie get beaten to death and not doing anything about it.

I could have helped. Why did I just sit there? I should have called the cops sooner. I will always regret what I did wrong.

We just got to my aunt’s house. My cousins are happy to see me. There's Gracie who’s seven and Maddie who’s nine. I always loved coming over because I liked playing with them. But if we were ever too loud my aunt would come out and beat us with the belt.

I have my own room. I thought I would have been sharing with Gracie or Maddie but Auntie Kandy said no. I don't know what’s wrong with my family; they all need help.

I slept alone in the dark. I never really liked the dark. But now I don't want anyone to see me crying at night, so the darkness helped.

  It's been a few days now since the whole Kaite incedant. It still bothers me. I don't really know what to do with myself.

  The few days at my aunts house were great. We played and I even got to meet some of their friends. But one day we were playing in the room and Maddie tickled me. I screamed because I got scared and it tickled. Then my aunt came in and started yeling. She then took off her belt and started hitting us.

  "Why do you have to be so fucking loud?" she screamed.

  "I'm sorry Auntie Kandy, I didn't mean to" I said in pain.


   My 7th birthday is coming soon. I'll probably just get a new tooth brush or something. For my 6th birthday my mom gave me a tooth brush and told me to start scrubbing the floor with it.

It was the morning of my birthday. I'm scared because my family gives birthday hits. Hard birthday hits. I got up and poured a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I always ate that cereal. I put milk in the bowl and sit at the table to eat. I heard footsteps and I'm scared it will be my aunt.

"Hey birthday, girl!" Gracie shouted.

"Shh, don't be too loud." Maddie hushed her.

“She’s right.” I replied. I wouldn't want my aunt to wake up and remember it's my birthday.

I went back up to my room where I found something I never thought I would ever see again in my life. Something so horrible it left me speechless.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2012 ⏰

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