Chapter 4: Tell Me

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As Rowanfrost padded through the Warrior's Den, a dark gray she-cat woke up silently.

"Rowanfrost, why are you here?" she asked, thrashing her tail, "Are you here looking for Jaywhisker?"

Rowanfrost looked at the battle-scarred she-cat, surprised she was awake. "Yes, Ashpelt. Now, please, mind your own business," he hissed.

"Anything regarding my sister, Jaywhisker, is definitely my business," Ashpelt hissed back at him.

"Ashpelt, if you really want to know," sighed Rowanfrost, "Tell me where Jay is, and meet me near Fallingstar's den," he meowed, flicking his tail out at the den entrance.

Ashpelt looked at Rowanfrost with a cocky look on her shadowy face.
"Well," she said, getting up,
"Jaywhisker went out hunting. Said the fresh kill pile looked a bit... what'd she say? Empty. She went off near the waterfall, LightClan's borders. Told me she'd be back before Sunhigh. She should be back soon," she meowed, padding to the entrance of the den. "I'll see you around, I guess," Ashpelt said, before bounding out into the early light.

"Well what do I do?" thought Rowanfrost, walking out the den. Then a light gray she-cat, Jaywhisker, walked to him. 

  "Hey, Rowanfrost!" greeted Jaywhisker, "I just got back from dropping some prey into the fresh kill pile. How are you?" she asked.

  "Pretty good, " Rowanfrost replied, "same old, same old. Fallingstar needs you, and now. " he informed, a slip of seriousness in his voice.

  "I'll go then.. thanks." meowed Jaywhisker, a smile on her face, before padding to Fallingstar's den.

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