(Twilight sparkle)Hello everypony reading this book im Twilight sparkle,princess of friendship!
(Rainbow Dash)Hold on a second what about us 5!its not all about you,if you have relizied!!
(Twilight sparkle) okay rainbow dash!So there is urm...Oh yes fluttershy the really shy And i mean really really shy
(Pinkie pie)like super duper happytastic CRAZY really shy!!!
(Applejack)Well sugar cube its kind of like that aint it twilight?
(Twilight) yes..?So there is pinkie pie,urm..of course rainbow dash,applejack,rarity and me
(Rarity)Anyone seen sweetie belle she is such a little hider?
(Fluttershy)urm..i.i.i..have seen her*shakes with fear*.
(Rarity)oh urm where?
(Fluttershy)urm..in.in.in the botique with apple bloom and scootoloo.
(Applejack)so thats where apple bloom is!
(Pinkie pie)wait a minuite are all of us in sugar cube corner?
(Twilight Sparkle)yes but the have ran out of cupcakes & cakes!
(Rainbow Dash)*stamps on pinkies hoof*cut it out its just a little cake.
(Pinkie pie)*twitches eye*j.j.just a CUPCAKE ITS NOT JUST A CUPCAKE ITS ITS* stops and looks at everypony*sorry!
(Rainbow dash)sorry eesh pinkie that was super doopy whatever you said earlier.
(Pinkie Pie)you mean super duper happytastic CRAZY ?
(Rainbow Dash)yes whatever.
(Twilight sparkle)well then that was weird ponies *laughs with happiness*
mlp Cast
Short Storyin this book it will tell you about the mlp cast,Hope you enjoy!!