Chapter One: The Long Bus Ride

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After being caught robbing corner stores so many times my mom decided this stupid camp, called Camp Lampson would be perfect for me. So here I am on this lame bus with so many other girls who have caused crimes like me. They all look older then me, I'm only 13 and these girls look to be 14-16 years old.  I'm listening to Marianas Trench, my favorite band, I've been on this bus for about half an hour now. I look out the window and see nothing but trees and rocks, it's all nature, not a store to be seen.  I look over to see a girl beside another girl in the seats across from my seat, she's looking at the girl with scissors in her hand. The bus comes to a sudden stop, I look forward to see the bus driver getting up staring at the girl with the scissors, he comes to her stealing the scissors. As he goes to walk away I pull out my headphones for just a second to hear the girl mumble under her breath "Fuck you." I put my headphones back in look back at the girls across from me to see the one who had the scissors punch the other girl, I sit in silence as I didn't want to get involved. I look to the girl beside me to see she saw it as well, she sat not doing anything like me. Behind her I notice the girl now had the other girl tackled and beating her, I just watched. We came up to the next stop, I was still watching this fight that has been going on for what felt like minutes. The bus driver gets up and walks back to the girl who was fighting the other, I watch as he grabs the girl by her arm and throws her off the other girl, I decide to blast my music more and look out the window to see more girls in line to enter the bus. And after what felt like hours I see sirens, I look over to see that the girl who was beat was bleeding badly and crying. The bus driver is still holding the other girl back, I watch to see an ambulance pull up and the paramedics walk into the bus with a stretcher, they lift the hurt girl into it and walk off, the bus driver then seats the other girls from outside and leaves the girl who hurt the other girl seated alone.  About  an hour of stop and go after what happened between the girls I sigh, I was tired of this long ride, even though I hate to talk I wanted to know what happened so I pull my earbuds out and look to the girl beside me, I see she looks back, I mumble "Hi..I-I'm Ma-Marry.." I look at her regretting my decision, I wished I said a fake name or something.  I see her give an annoyed face and want to stop but, I force myself to get answers, I slowly start to speak again "I noticed you saw the fight.." I pause for a moment waiting to hear her scream shut up at me. "And?" she asks me, I feel the anxiety taking over, I start to shake I think I should just stop here and just ignore her but, no I continue "Do you kn-know wha-what happened?" I'd force myself not to show I'm shaking and focus to keep eye contact. I await for her answer.  "No sorry I wasn't really paying attention." "O-OK thanks." I put my headphones back in and look outside the window again. Finally we arrive at the camp, I see the girls in the front getting off, I can't wait to get of this smelly bus, it comes our turn, I watch the  girl beside me get up and walk off.  I pull my headphones out of my ears as I get off the bus, I notice the girl who had the scissors had to get off last. As I walk out I hear the instructor barking commands and then as the girl who had the scissors get off I hear her talk to the bus driver, I was able to make out what she said  "Fuck you Arnold see you in seven months." I hear Arnold answer back to her, I was just able to make out what he said "Fuck you too Ryla.  And hopefully not. Hate to have to take more scissors." "I now know her name"  I'd mumble low. I hear Ryla speak to him again, I was able to make out their whole conversation "I thought you would love the scissors. Like a parting gift. I'm hurt Arnold." "Please. We all know you'll coming again next year. Besides I already have a full collection of them." "A full this girl must like scissors" I'd whisper I stared at them waiting to hear more.  I would hear Ryla again, I'd wounder if she always did this "You're right I'll bring knives next time. Start a new collection." I knew by Arnold's expression he was done "You've gotta go kid. They're assigning your cabins. Though I love our talks I'd like to live to see next year." "Even Arnold fears her!" I'd mumble under my breath in a shocked tone, I now had more fear of this girl hoping I would not have to speak to her.  "Awe Arnold that's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me. See you next year. Byeee!" I'd hear Ryla say and watch her walk off.  I was hoping that I would be alone I'd hear the instructor scream "CABIN 308 WILL BE ROOMED BY." "ILLIANA PARKS." "MARY ROSE." "AND RYLA WHO HAS BEEN HERE 3 TIMES IN A ROW." I'd sigh seeing I was one of the first ones picked and that I was now stuck with one girl who was violent the other who knew me and was rude, I'd hear the instructor scream again "GOOD LUCK OTHER TEAM SHE'S A HARD ONE TO BEAT!"  I'd slowly walk up to the stage, I really wished I was more careful when robbing from stores I'd try hard to fall back so I was not beside them or anything so I didn't have to talk to them. I'd see Ryla whip around and death glare me, she'd growl "Hurry up." I'd feel shivers run down my spine, I walk a little faster and grab my key, I make sure not to make eye contact and I slowly look around to figure out where to go and look for map.  I then hear Ryla sigh and then groan "This way." I'd silently walk behind them,  I'd put one earbud in  and look around at the new surroundings. It was a ten minute walk before we got there, I'd look at the cabin with wide eyes, I hated the look of it, I hated the smell and I hated who I was roomed with.  I'd start to walk in just as I hear Illiana scream "I GET FIRST DIBS MOTHERFUCKERS!" I'd shrug my shoulders waiting to get my bed last, I'd watch Ryla run in front of Illiana and watch her claim her bed. I'd ignore them and pick the bed farthest from them putting my suitcase on the bed. I watch Illiana flip the bird at Ryla and then watch Ryla go to bed, I'd slowly open my suitcase for my water and take a drink, I then close my suitcase putting it under my bed and then place my MP3 player on the table beside me, I sigh and put on the last of my Marianas Trench songs and go to sleep. 

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