Mother Hens (F)

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"Almost there. Come on" Alex says. She was holding herself up using the counter as she was trying to reach for the peanut butter that one of her boyfriends had for some reason put on the top shelf. Alex lean her crutches on the shelf. "Just a bit more."

"Alex! What do you think you're doing?" Liam voiced. "What would happened if you had fallen?"

"Umm. I think one of you loves would have heard me if I fell." Alex smirked as she continued to try to reach for the peanut butter.

"Love, you are going to hurt yourself." Liam came around to help the brown-haired girl.

"I am fine. I will not hurt myself, especially with you being a mother hen, Li."

"I am not being a mother hen." Liam pouted. He knew he was being a worry wart, but he could not help but be over protective and worried that Alex would hurt herself further. He blame himself for the car crash that was the reason that Alex was on crutches.

"Liam. You and I both know that you are being a worried wart." Louis came into the room with Zayn right behind him. Louis smirked at the pout that was Liam's face. Zayn smiled a bit before he looked at the injured girl.

"Love, What are you doing?"

"Someone put the peanut butter on the top shelf and I was going to get it since I want a peanut butter sandwich." Alex reached for the peanut butter once more. Hopefully this time no one is going interrupted her or mother hen her this time.

As Alex had a finger on the jar, she slipped and before she could hit the floor, two sets of arms were wrapped around her.

"What did Liam say, Lex?" Alex looked to see a certain blu-eyed blonde and a curly-haired holding her.

"Nothing." She said sheepishly. She knew she was going to get a talk about not putting herself in danger again and letting the five of them help her.

"Alex?" Liam said.

"I'm fine." She said as she felt pain in her leg. She knew that she had hit it somewhere.

"The tears in your eyes say something else, Love. What hurts?" Zayn asked as he whispered to Niall to grab some ice and Harry to grab some pain medicine.

Alex groans before continuing with shaking her head that something was not wrong. That she was perfectly fine. "I am fine, Loves. Move so I can make my sandwich."

"Nope. Not going to happened. Let me do this," Louis replies grabbing the jar out of his girlfriend's hands and heading to make a sandwich for her and the others.

"Lexi." Alex glanced up from looking at the ground to see Liam right in front of her handing two pills and a glass of water to her.

"I do not need them."

"Alex. Just take them." Alex glared at the pills before taking them and swallowing them.

"You know we hate for anything to happen to you when one of us is not with you."

"I appreciate it, Loves, but nothing's going to happen to me and nothing just happened to me."

Five snorts filled the silence.

"Whatever you say, Hun." Liam kissed Alex's forehead, before wrapping his arms around her. "You are supposed to stay off your leg!"

"We all have been telling her that but she does not listen!" Louis fusses as he finishes the sandwiches.

"I can at least do some things by myself!" Alex objects.

"You will when you let your leg heal. You are not letting it heal if you are always on it and up walking everywhere." Harry said kissing Alex's cheek. "Let's have you lie down so we can elevate your leg,"

Zayn came around and picked Alex up before she started to protest. She quickly decided let it go. She kinda of enjoyed the lads' babying her, but at the same time she wanted to do some thing on her own. But that was not going to happen with five mother hens.

Louis and Harry come in with the sandwiches just as Liam and Niall were stuffing a pillow under Alex's leg as she lean back on Zayn.

The six spent the rest of the day watching movies and of coarse watching over their youngest one, as she fell asleep during the second movie.

She had everything she ever needed. Five Mother hens. It was going to be a long time before any of them let her out of their sight.

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