Chapter 1

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"Kiley seriously I will never get a boyfriend I promise you!" I said, raising my poms in the air.

"But you are so pretty! You'll find someone!"

I rolled my eyes and went back to shaking my hands and turning my feet. Cheer practice takes up about an hour or two and I'm exhausted.

"Kiles wanna sit down and take a break?" I say grabbing my ice cold water bottle that was sweating, making my hand cold.

I took a sip as she said, "Sure!"

The team sat down and we heard a creak of the gym door behind us. We all turned and the baseball team was walking in for their thirty minute break from practice. They all piled in sitting in the bleachers.

"Hey look it's Cameron." Kiley secretly pointed. Cameron was that ideal, popular, boy in high school. Everyone knew him. Knew his name.

I glanced to my left. He was laughing at a joke someone just told. I looked back and shook my head, "Kiley what is the next motion for the defense cheer?"

"Oh it's a high V then low V and clean!" She told me, nodding her head.

"Oh okay." I took a sip of my water and we went back to practicing our dance,in the middle of the court.

The music started playing and the baseball players started paying attention. Some had their phones out and were secretly videoing but it was obvious. I felt Cameron's eyes glance but when I looked at him he wasn't paying attention at all.

Not that I want attention or anything. But I just thought he was watching. I pivoted and looked at my coach, who was nodding her head watching our performance.

"VANESSA BE SHARPER ON THAT PIVOT!" She yelled, you could actually see the vein popping out of her neck when she screamed. I looked at poor Vanessa ,who now had a worried look on her face, and looked back forward.

We did the next portion of the routine and finished with us facing the players. I flashed my smile along with the rest of the team. All the boys clapped and we all sat back down.

"Lovely practice ladies! But now you guys can chill out for a little while and then workouts!" Our coach said smiling. We all groaned, before practice we did hardcore conditioning and now we have to workout!

"One more lap ladies c'mon!" Coach yelled. For workout we have to 'run' three miles. My version of run is running lightly on the strait away and lightly jogging the curves.

"Wanna go do homework and catch a movie after this?" Kiley asked, breathlessly.

"Sure! What movie?" I asked.

"OH MOANA!" She perked up.

"Kiles we watched that last week." I told her giving her a glance.

"Aye it was a good movie okay?"

"Alright but you're buying me popcorn!" I said giggling.

"Fineeee!" The baseball players were walking to the middle of the track for batting sessions when Kiley said, "Oooh speaking of fine! Dang." She smiled. She was obviously looking at Cameron. I turned my head and faced Kiley. She was now staring at them slowing down our run.

"KILEY! Stop staring and run!"

"But Lakyn they cuteeee!!" She said whining.

"I don't care I want to finish we are on our last lap!"

"Ugh okay." She ran back to me.

"Nice job ladies! Now you can leave." Coach said and we all walked out the gym and into the lobby. I had to wait on my little cousin so I sat on the bench while everyone else left.

I took out my phone and looked at its bright screen. I jumped when I heard the glass doors handle rattle. I looked up and there was Cameron, giving me a look signaling the door. I got up and opened the door for him when he told me, "Thanks I forgot about these stupid doors!" Then he walked back into the gym.

My cousin ran into the lobby and said "Ready to go?"

"Yep!" I responded, looking through the glass window on the gym door. I pivoted and walked to my car.

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