Chapter 4

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I am now slowly making my way to Mrs. Rose's office to inquire about the college dorms. Mrs. Rose also knew my mother very well they were good friends and one more person to know everything about me including my real identity.

"Morning Mrs. Rose" I said as I entered her cabin

"Oh morning honey how are you?"

"I'm fine I hope you are too"

"Sweet as always, what can I do for you Ale....Oh I mean Zoe"

"Rose, I'd like to live in the dorms if you could manage to get me one I know its mid semester but I wouldn't have forced if it wasn't important"

"What's the matter child I'm starting to worry here I hope it is not what I think it is"

"It is exactly what you think it is he is back for real he texted me today and I want to move out of our apt as soon as I can I don't want to put Lee at risk. "

"Dear but there are no rooms available there's nothing I can do for you in that matter" her every word made my blood run colder and colder

"Not even the one on the top floor, room 704?"

"Oh that, that is taken too there was this sweet boy who came and somehow convinced me to give it to him looked like he really needed one but I could ask him to let him share his room with you if you don't mind and that boy is no threat at all"

"But isn't that against the rules?" I asked Mrs. Rose

"It obviously is but there are some benefits of having your husband as the principle of the college" She flashed her sweetest smile

"Thank you so much, Right now all what I am concerned about is Lee and Jase they shouldn't get hurt because of me"

"Oh honey nothing will happen but why don't you involve police in they might be able to do something"

"Rose you know I cannot he's just way too powerful involving police would get me in trouble instead" hopelessness lacing my voice at its best

"Oh honey I wish I was a help to you" She said

"You already are a lot of help to me Rose trust me" A genuine smile curling upon my lips

"Just give me a second" she said as she made her way towards the telephone

After she had a good couple of minutes talk with someone she came back

"Zoe honey the boy said that he has absolutely no issues with you sharing his room also he said you could move in anytime today as he's in his room only" She said and lifting a huge weight off my shoulder

"Thank you so much Rose I should get going now"

"Anything for you my child I'm sure Clare would have been very proud of you today I miss that lady so much that it hurts" Mrs. Rose said

"Everyone misses her Rose I'm sure Mom and Dad both are happy wherever they are"

"You're such a beautiful daughter only if you're brother was like you too"

"That's too much to ask for Rose he's a monster disguised as a human" I said and Rose just smiled her sweetest smile.

"Take care Zoe, I'll do too" she said as I left

I was now on my way to my apartment which wouldn't be mine in few hours. I walked in only to find Lee and Jase packing up my stuffs they had almost packed everything up just leaving my books on my shelf

"Jesus guys when did you do all of it?" I said amused, shocked and sad

"We came directly here from the café Lee said you were leaving and that we had to pack your stuffs up and when I asked her why she said that I'm not safe enough for your secret to be let out" Jase pouted as he said that

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