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(Two Days Later)

"I'm sorry Mr. and Mrs. Miranda. We are doing everything we can, but with out a kidney we don't have much of a choice. We just have to wait for now,"


Hour 1

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

Lesley's hospital room was silent. The only sound that hummed in the background was the machine that made sure little Lesley was breathing, and the heart monitor attached to her chest. Phillipa sat in the chair next to Lesley's bed with her feet propped on the railing. She used her thumb to spin her wedding ring, absentmindedly. Her eyes were red and puffy, but she was out of tears. She just felt numb. On the other hand, Lin sat on the floor, with his knees to his chest. Tears were still flowing. Welcome folks to Hour One of the waiting game.


Hour 3

Stevie hadn't been back to the hospital since Lesley was admitted, and that was two days ago. She hadn't talked to her parents, didn't know anything about Lesley, she just didn't know. She tried to text and call Pippa, but Pippa would not answer. And Lin's phone was dead and had been for a day and a half. Stevie wanted to see her mom but didn't want to upset her. "Lauren what should I do?" Stevie asked, sitting at the kitchen table with her feet in her chair. Lauren shrugged and sat at the table with Enzo on her shoulder. That's another thing. Pippa has not checked in on Enzo or anything.

"I think you should go over there. And take their child to them," Lauren answered. Stevie shook her head and sighed. She was trying to hold back tears. "Hey have you tried praying, as I told you?" Lauren asked, patting Enzo's butt. Stevie rolled her eyes.

"I already told you. That shit doesn't work," Stevie snapped. Lauren rolled her eyes.

"How do you know?" Lauren yelled back. Stevie slammed her hands on the table, making Lauren and Enzo jump. Which then caused Enzo to cry. 

"It doesn't fucking work!" Stevie yelled, she glared at Lauren for even bringing up the prayer topic. Lauren cover Enzo's head and tried to calm the baby down.

"Stevie! You're scaring him! And you're scaring me!" Lauren stated. Stevie's look softened, as she saw the look of slight terror on Lauren's face. Stevie grabbed her jacket and ran out of the hotel room. As she ran down the hall she accidentally smacked into someone.

"Hey. Slow down there kiddo. Where ya headed?" The man asked, helping Stevie off the ground.

"Sorry," Stevie whispered. The man gave her a small smiled.

"What's your name?" He asked. Stevie brushed off the invisible dirt and folded her arms over her abdomen.

"I'm Stevie," she answered.

"I'm Rev. Camden," he said. Stevie rolled her eyes and smacked her teeth.

"Of course," she muttered. The Rev. Camden lightly pulled Stevie to a bench in the hall.

"What's going on?" He asked. She looked at her shoes and started to cry.

"It's my baby sister... she's in the hospital," Stevie replied. Rev. Camden sighed, put his hand on Stevie's back.

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