Chapter 1

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I was running through a huge portal on a ship owned by a god. Next thing I knew I was opening my eyes, on my back in the middle of a forest hearing my Ghost talking to me.

"Guardian?" he said "Guardian. Eyes up Guardian."

I let out a small sigh as I sat up, "again with this? At least tell me I didn't die this time."

"You didn't, but I'm not sure this is much better."

"What the hell do you mean?" I asked standing up.

"Multiple contacts all around, and moving in fast."

"Give me my motion tracker," I replied pulling out my revolver, "how many?"

"Six, they seem animal like."

As my Ghost told me this a wolf like creature jumped towards me. I shade stepped out of the way and drew a bead on the creature. I pulled the trigger sending a round toward its head. Normally it would blow my target's head clean off, but this time it ricocheted off. It must've had armor or something. I aimed lower and put a couple rounds in its chest. This sent it tumbling but only wounded. As I aimed for a kill-shot the others flanked me. One jumped onto my back to which I shade stepped once again out of its grasp.

'These things are tougher than what I'm used to,' I thought.

I switched my revolver for my heavy machine gun on my back. I took aim and took down three of the six wolves. I turned to my right as one of the wolves jumped onto me, pinning me to the ground. I used my hands to keep the creature's jaws away from my throat. While using my arm to push the wolf I grabbed my sidearm with the other. Putting the barrel against the thing's jaw I squeezed the trigger. I pulled it until the creature stopped moving. I threw the body off of me and kept fighting.

"Two left," I uttered to myself.

I pulled out my knife, me and the wolf did a little stand off dance in a circle.

"Come on, we don't have all day!" I yelled at it.

It charged me, I countered its advance, driving my knife into its chest as it went upward. I held it there as it slowly died. I dropped its body and looked at the last one. Before I could make an advance on it, it was swept up by something, a blur of red and rose petals, it disappeared. I looked around and didn't see it at first. But after minute I heard a small whimper.

I draw my revolver and face the noise. I aim down the sight and see a human-like figure standing over the body of the wolf.  I lowered my revolver and let out a sigh.

"That was my kill," I said a little loud for the person to hear.

"I thought I needed some practice," a high pitch voice replied, "what's your name?"

"Call me Hunter," I said putting my revolver in its holster, "yours?"

"Call me Ruby," the figure quickly rushed up to me. It was a woman figure, she was wearing a red cloak much like my own. But unlike me, she wasn't wearing any armor. She had short black hair with red tips, and was particularly small. She was just an average kid. Except she was carrying a highly dangerous weapon by the looks of it. "You aren't from around here... are you?"

"No ma'am."

"Do you have a place to stay?"

"Uh... "

"I'll take that as a no. Come on, my dad would be more than happy to house a fellow Hunter."

I heard my Ghost speak to me in my helmet.

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