True Meeting

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Frisk and Asriel are back at home."Mom Asriel meet a girl" frisk said in a mocking voice."No i didnt u lier!" Asriel said trying to defend him self."Who is this..girl" Troiel Said questionly."Oh just someone i help fight a Aaron - "AN AARON?!?!" toriel said worriedly "are you ok,dont ever do that" she says kissing ariels forehead "Mom!" Asriel says frustratedly."Ok my lil monster go tp ur rooms and sleep" toriel said in a motherly tone.Asriel walks to his room and sneeks out of the window.Trying to find astell but with asriel knowing frisk follows him."Whatcha doing asriel?" Frisk said in a mocking voice knowing where his going. "Frisk go back to home..." asriel said. "Your ganna see astell arent  you? If u dont let me come ill tell mom" frisk said mockingly."Ok fine but u  cant tell mom" asreil said rolling his eyes.Frisk follows asriel to the hot lands. Asriel sees astell attack a huge Pyrope,it pushes astell to ground . Asriel flings to the monster and attacks it.The monster claws asriel and he falls to the ground,Astell jumps to the monster and kill it."Are you ok asriel?!" Astell askes panicky."Yes im ok" asriel says getting up. "Your bad at fight asriel" astell said in a mean tone "Want me to train you?. "Y-yeah...sure that would be nice"asriel said."Well wat are you waiting for?"

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