Breaking The News

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Jesse's POV:

I walked to my room and collapsed on my bed. I had just gotten the news that I had to

attend summer camp. Not only was I going to be away from Jess for the summer, but I

was also going to be away from Axel... Olivia... Petra...

Oh God, what am I going to tell Petra? We had a date scheduled for next week!

I grabbed a pillow and let out a heavy sigh.

My entire summer is going to be ruined.

After a few minutes, Jess walked into my room and sat down next to me.

"Hey Jesse..." she said sadly, patting me on the back.

I managed to look at her but didn't say anything.

"I'm sorry Jesse..." she said before leaving my room, "I really am."

I sighed again and started packing my bags to go to camp.

After packing, I grabbed my phone and called Petra.

"Hey Petra..." I greeted her.

"Hey Jesse, what's up?" She replied.

"Listen... I'm being forced to go to camp tomorrow. I'm sorry."

There was a small pause until she finally replied,

"I'll miss you."

I sighed. "I'll miss you too Petra. I'm really sorry."

"I understand. It's alright. I love you."

"I love you too. Bye Petra."

I hung up and flopped back onto my bed.

I didn't want to leave for camp...

A/N: Sorry I published this almost 8 hours later than I planned. I had chores to do all day and couldn't publish it until now. Also the reason why this is so short is because it's kind of just an introduction.

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