The Big reveal prt:2

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Nialls pov:

Finley stepped out and she was absolutely beautiful! I'm sure I was smiling like a fool , but really I didn't care because the only person I saw was her. By the time she reached me I was crying, And so was she.

"I love you ," I whispered. "To the moon and back," she replied. That had kind of become our thing.

It had come time to say our vowles and I was going first.

"Fin, our relation ship has been an odd one and god knows why. That first night in the bar, when I told you I was going to sing but then kissed you, that was the moment I knew I loved you. I remember you going back to America after Greg's wedding. Did you know I came home and cried because I let you leave me? I wasn't sure if you would ever come back, but you just had to return my joggers and shirt didn't you? I know we fight a lot fin wether it be over your monthly gift , or the bathroom, but the fights have only made us unbreakable. All those times I come back and you don't expect me that makes me fall in love with you all over again seeing your reaction to seeing me. All this rambling is all to say this Finley Castle I am so excited to spend the rest of my life with you, I love you."

I picked up the peach ring closest to me and placed it on her finger. She was absolutely bawling. Then she spoke up to say her vowles

"Ni, I don't know what I would be with out you. I would probably be back in America flipping burgers until I finished my schooling. ..."

She stopped and was looking at Greg. I glanced over and he was giving her the death stare. She shook her head and continued

" you have brought light to my life. I cried on the plane back to America after Greg's wedding. Did you know that? I used those joggers as an excuse to come back and I'm so glad I did. I remember the day you proposed with those fruit rings, like it was yesterday. I'm so glad no one stepped on our butterfly. I can't wait to be Mrs. Niall Horan. I Love you to the moon and back." she picked up her peach ring and placed it on my finger.

Then we crossed our arms over each other and she ate her ring and I ate mine. The priest then spoke " Finley and Niall eating the peach rings symbolizes their promise to be with each other forever even after death their sprit will still be inside each other. " There was a short pause then the priest spoke a final time " I now pronounce you Mr. And Mrs. Niall Horan. You may kiss the bride." I pulled he in and said " I love you" then I crashed my lips into hers. The kiss probably lasted 30 seconds. When I pulled away she wispered "to the moon and back."

I inter twined our fingers and held our hands up as we walked out of the church. Greg was still giving us the death stare I wonder what his problem was?


A/n the next part is the final and most exciting part still remember to read wedding crashers

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