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• Sector 1: AKA The Red Sector, where the High Captains are stationed. The Red Sector also houses high level criminals in cells, which are primarily used for torturing information out of them. Anyone in the Red Sector who is not a guard is usual beings of godly leveled powers, and are next to never human.

•Sector 2: AKA The Blue Sector, where the Generals and high class warriors stand, not including infantry, guards, etc. The Blue Sector is where 

•Sector 3: AKA The Green Sector. The green Sector houses the gunman and standard infantry. very few special troops are placed in the Green Sector except to monitor the infantry and gunman.

Sector 4: AKA The Grey Sector. The Grey Sector houses the non human species of standard wielder or lower power. Most Grey Sector people are non human due to extra perks. Thats not to say that a human cant get in, its just at the moment, no humans have done so yet.

Sector 5: AKA The White Sector. The White Sector houses the guards, whom watch over the other sectors and makes sure that no one is in danger, as well as escort the higher class individuals such as Red Sector Admiral.

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