Chapter Seven

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So i woke up didnt see tyler in the bed so i went an took a shower. So i was in there for a while so i had got out and put some comfortable on. I walked to the kitchen and breakfast was made and it smell so good i just started making me a plate and sat down eating at the counter while everyone else ate ate t the the table. So tyler came an sat by me so i won't be lonely. Tyler: you okay baby  Me: yea im okay. Tyler: you wanna tell them whats going on cause we cant keep the secret from them cause they gone find out anyway. Me: ok cause they are my BestFriendsa and your friends are like brothers to me so okay. Tyler: okay baby.. Me: who cooked breakfast though? Kahya: i did since i get up early a lot. Me: well its taste amazing. Everyone: yea it taste very good. Kahya: thanks you guys. So after i got finished eating i went back to my room to watch tv. Nahya: so tyler wats going on you told us we need to talk about something. Tyler: umm yea come to my room. So tyler and the rest walked back to our room where i was at and everyone had sat down. Tyler: baby you ready to tell them what happened? Me: yeah.. ok so remember when tyler and them went to the bathroom and we was still dancing. Kahya& nahya: yea . Me: we had got separated cause it was getting crowded on the dancd floor and i felt someone grabbed me and it was tyriq so i was telling him to get away from me and was grabbing on me and we started arguing then i felt sick so i ran outside and went to the store to get a pregnancy test cause i been sick for a while before we even came to L.A. so then i went home and took a pregnancy test and it was positive and i was shocked. So i started crying for a while and all the shit that happened between me and tyriq it brought back so much so i tried to kill myself. I was finna jump off the cliff until tyler had caught me and thats what happened. I just started crying my eyes out. Tyler was just hugging me so i can stop crying and i did. Kahya: its ok mari im here for you. Brandon: yea all of us is we got your back its ok. Nahya: so are you gonna tell tyriq? Me: i dont know yet. Kahya: you gone have to he is the father of your baby. Me: ok kahya but when we leave LA we going to the doctor. So after all that we were headed to the studio to work on our songs for the auditions for next week.

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