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Paige's P.O.V.

I was being kicked in the stomach by the sharp heel of the Luna's pump. "Your such a whore!" Tristan yelled behind me, his anger radiating off of his body, directed towards me. I screamed in agony as he punched and slapped me, tears streaming down my face, creating tear streaks down my face. I looked towards my brother Mark, who just looked away and slapped me, following in Tristan's footsteps. More tears streamed down my face. The Luna, also known as Penny, grabbed me by the collar, and pushed me down in a wooden chair, the wood of the chair almost cracking, and splinter's to create in my back. I winced lightly, and Alpha came up behind her, kissing her neck. She giggled, and they both looked at me, their eyes cold as ice. It sent instant shivers down my spine. Alpha David got in my face. I could smell his minty breath. "Tell me. Why were you at that concert last night?" I shook my head, my dirty blonde hair covering my bright emerald eyes. I didn't want to tell him that my friend, Kitty, had took me to an Bring Me The Horizon concert. Kitty is the Luna's sister. And well resepected. He kicked me in the head, sending my head turning the other way. He then grabbed my wrist harshly, twisting it, until I heard a sick "Crack!!" That sent shivers down my spine, and goosebumps to create on my limbs. "I swear to Moon Goddess, I will hurt you so bad, you won't be able to move a single, weak, muscle of yours." He said. I knew what he was cabable of. He would kill me. I nodded. "S-Savannah forced me t-to." I lied. Penny always took up for me. But she was in Flordia at the point. So I was in for it good. "Savannah, get your slutty ass in here right now!" His Alpha voice boomed through out the house. Savannah was the packs slave. Did everything for them. She came in, her ratty brown hair in her face, and her golden eyes were now dulled. "Y-Yes dear Alpha David?" She asked, bowing. "Did you take Paige to a concert?" He asked. She took up for me always. Other than Penny, of course. "Yes sir. I take the blame." She said, as he kicked her on the ground, and made her go to the Punishment Room. They made that just for Savannah and I.  Alpha David brought me up by the arm, and told me to go to the Punishment Room. I sobbed, and nodded. I wiped my tears. Alpha Daivd and Tristan made the room, so they go in there to 'punish' us. I limped towards the room, opening the door, to see Savannah balled up in a corner. I would get it worse. "I'll take the remaining blame." I croaked, But it came out as a whisper. She nodded, and looked up at me. "I wish I was never born." She sighed. The last of it, was the worst. Alpha David came in. Without Tristan. And we all know, When only Alpha David comes in, we will be punished for the whole entire day. "Stand both of you. And stand by each other." He said. We obeyed. "Now, I know somebody is taking the whole blame. Now, are you friends going to stick up for one another? I think Paige should get all of it. She is the one who made her parents die" He said. I nodded, and Savannah left the room. I was in for the worst. Ever. He made me sit down. He got out a thin, leather whip. He whipped me across the back two hundered and thirty eight times. Yes, I was counting. Blood was oozing down my back and created a small puddle in the attic. "Clean it up." He said. I bended, wincing as I did so, and cleaned the puddle with a small rag. He got out a bucket of salt. He dumped the five pounds of salt on my wounds. I screamed the most ear pirceing scream. He stuck a rag in my mouth, so my scream in agony was muffled. I cried. He got out a chair, and broke it into little splinters. He stuck eleven in each of my wounds, and made me lay flat down on my back, which made them go in until it stuck the bone. I wimpered, and he then turned into his large, black wolf. He scratched me all over, and then when it was one thirty in the morning the next day, he told me to get up and clean the house, and then fold everybody's clothes, in only a bra and underwear, and left the room. Then he turned the house to a below freezing temprature in the house, but all of the werewolves exepcept me couldn't feel it. I cleaned the whole house, and folded everybody's clothes, and then accounted my wounds, and got under the covers. How could somebody be treated like this. A pure, human being. I did nothing in the world to make them do this to me. 


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