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                                                                 One Year Later

"Wake up Mommy!" Kira shouted, jumping on my bed without a care in the world. "Okay, Okay, wait sweet cheeks!" I said, putting jeans on over my heart boxers. I slipped on a ripped bat man tank top, and slipped on bunny slippers that Kira got me for Christmas a few years ago. I went outside, Kira hot on my tail, and went into the pack kitchen. I made a new pack. The Blood Rose. I found out I had a older brother in Flordia while I was on the run, so he's Alpha of the pack and Cherry is the Luna. I fixed some Apple Jacks for Kira and O.J. (Orange Juice) and set it down on the table. She sat next to Cherry, and ate. Cherry and I are close friends, and we gossip about everything. My 'sister' came in. Her name was Lucy. Her emerald eyes shined bright happily. "I have news!" She yelled happily. Everybody's heads turned to her. "Dave and I.. Are parents!" She bounced around happily. I felt a pang in my chest after she went to fix pancakes. Tristan was sleeping with one of his girls. I closed my eyes, and the pain subsided eventually. "We need our mate!" Vanity, my wolf, cried out. "I know, I know. Please learn to just.. forget about it. He doesn't want us anymore. Just stop thinking about him!" I yelled in my mind. "Okay then.." She whimpered. I could feel the connection between us about to break. "Wait, I didn't mean it like that! I'm sorry!" I said. She didn't answer. "Stellaiea?" I asked, using her real name. She still didn't answer. I sighed. She can be such a little diva at times, but helpful in the most needed. I went to train the pups, so I went in the room and changed into a white sports bra and some orange spandex shorts that were tight but they came down to my knees, and some bright green tennis shoes. I put Kira in Cherry's room with the second in place alpha, Jackson. He is six, and Kira and Jackson are like Brothers and Sisters. I went outside where the pups and children were waiting for me. Why I don't bring Kira? She has a heart problem and when she does too much activity needed, she passes out and goes into a fit of siezures. Poor baby. And I'm waiting on a refill at the Pack Pharmacy. "Okay, welcome again. Wolf forms and run twelve laps!" I said, and blew my whistle while going over to the other part where the pack warriors need to be trained. "Okay, another day of practice. Linda, your on level twenty. Congrats! Nobody has reached that since I have!" I said. She is close to being as strong as I am. Their mates are infront of them, cheering them on. The women are going to dry to outrun the males and the males/mates are going to act like rouges. The Alpha came out. That isin't good. Every body stopped. "Paige, you have to train the Red Moo-" Before he could finish, I tensed up and yelled. "I can't! You know my past! I can't. Please John!?" I yelled, everybody turning heads. I flipped them off. "You have to. I'm sorry." He said. I nodded, and sighed. I tried to turn into my wolf form, but Vanity wouldn't let me. I thought "I'm freaking sorry okay! I didn't mean it like that! Now, I can go over to Sandra's, and get her to break all connection between our mates!" I said. I felt the connection quickly regaining. I then tried to turn into my wolf form once again, and I succeeded. My wolf was a beautiful Pure white with black tips of every ounce of my fur, and the tips of my paw's are black. I'm the most strongest wolf in America. John is so close to being as strong as me. Just eighty more pounds to lift and he'll be fine. I was also the most vicious and biggest 'beast' in the state. And I have abillity's. I can read people's mind, control water, sing like a angel, (Like a siren) and I can manipulate people with the flick of my eyes, and  I can cause pain to anybody just thinking about it, and I can kill people with the snap of my fingers. Ah, I love life. A rouge came up, along with a pack. I quicklly killed them off before running into the woods. I heard paws running beside me. I was Kira. Her wolf was gray with black tips on the fur like mine. When we stopped by the lake, we took a break and layed down. I went back to get ready to go to train the Old pack. Well, today is going to be a good day. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2014 ⏰

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