The Chase [1]

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So, this is my first official story. Any feedback would be wonderful! Not really sure on the name yet, so I'm just gonna stick to what it is :)) thank you so much! 


There was always one thing I hated, and that was sympathy. When people hear that something happened to you and they come up to you and hug you, ask if you're okay and say 'I'm so sorry!'. Half the time I don't even talk to these people, the other half of the time they're people that I've probably just said a little hello to in the halls. Don't get me wrong, it's cute that people care and stuff, but there's no need for them to talk to me as if I'm some kind of 3 year old who's just lost their favourite blanky. Anyway, I'm Mia Shapiro, I'm 17, I live with my sister May and my dad, Alex. My mum died when I was 13, so me and May moved up to Pasadena to live with my dad. I like it here I guess, its more peaceful, people are nicer than they were in New York, there's less hustle and bustle, and I don't need to fight to get into a good school. May's 15, she takes after my mum more than me. She has long, auburn hair that flows down her back in beautiful tousles without a hassle, the perfect figure - awesome boob:butt ratio and the trademark bright green eyes of the Shapiro family. Me and her have the best relationship two sisters could ever have, and I'm so grateful for that. 

I get my looks from my dad, small nose, small lips, big eyes, brown hair and the trademark green eyes. Me and my dad don't really get along, not something that I really care about anymore to be honest. He walked out on me, my sister and my mum when I was 3. All I really remember is him coming home really late at night from work, shouting at my maa as soon as he used to walk in the house, drink a glass of scotch and then go to bed. He never was a dad to me, I've never had the father daughter relationship with him. None of the sweet talks that you see in movies, none of him telling me that if any boy broke my heart, he'd kill them, he didn't teach me how to ride a bike, he didn't comfort me when I was upset, didn't read me a bedtime story, tuck me into bed and didn't make me feel as though I was loved. I got all that from my mum instead, so that's why it was hard for me to deal with her going. I guess that's why me and May are so close, she's so much like Maa that I feel as though I have to protect her, make sure nothing bad happens to her either. 

I woke up to the sun shining outside, blue skies and the lingering smell of burnt pancakes. Yawning as I walked out of bed, I went downstairs to go and see if anybody was home. Saturday's usually went the same in our house, dad would be out to work, May would be up early, hit the gym and be home around noon and I would wake up whenever I felt like it, to a probably empty house, eat some breakfast, call up one of my friends and go out for the day. Me and May only really spent time with each other at home, i didn't really wanna go out with her younger friends, and she didn't really see the appeal of hanging out with my older friends, most of which were guys, so we inevitably kept our social lives separate. This morning was different though, I went downstairs and saw my dad at home, staring at the phone with bloodshot eyes, looking as though he had been crying and not had any sleep. He looked like he'd been up all night drinking, and I hadn't seen him like this since he heard that Maa died. Even though we didn't have much of a relationship, he was still my dad, and it still worried me to see him like this. 

"Woah, dad, you look like shit. What happened?" 

"Stop cursing, Mia. Nothing." His reply was cold and short. I knew something was wrong and I knew he was going to tell me eventually, I just had to get it out of him.

"Dad, you haven't looked like this since Maa di-"

"Mia, stop talking. Don't you have somewhere to go?" He cut me off mid-sentence. That's when I knew it was bad. Something wasn't right, he never let anything get to him and he definitely never, ever showed emotion about my mums death, except for the day she died. He was even rock solid at her funeral, and when I mentioned her today he winced as if I had hit a nerve. The veins on his neck were bulging, his fists clenched so tight his knuckles were going white. I didn't know what to do except ask him one more time, hope that I got some kind of answer out of him. 

"Dad... you can't keep things from me anymore, I want to know whats going on, I do live here too you know!" By this time, I was close to getting really wound up. I hated it when I didn't get the answers I wanted, especially seeing as though my dad never usually hesitates to tell me what he thinks. 

"Mia its.. its not that simple. It's not something I'd want to tell you, not something that-." The phone rang and his face went pale, he was too scared to even pick it up. He looked as though he was about to vomit. He just kept staring at the phone as the rings kept coming out of it, getting louder and louder. His thumb just wouldn't press the answer button. I snatched the phone out of his hand and before he could even stop me, I picked up. 


"Hello, Maam. This is Inspector Wallice." I recognised the voice, and the name rang a bell too. I just could connect the dots.

"Oh, hi. What's the problem today, Sir?"

"I'm just calling in regards to the missing persons file you put in about a.. Miss May Rose Shapiro?"

I felt the bile rise to my throat, a massive knot appearing in my stomach. I felt the blood drain from my face, my emotions going into overdrive. I went from upset, to angry, to confused. I didn't know what to do, where to sit, where to look, what to say to the man that was just waiting there on the phone. Everything was silent, and I could just feel my dad's green eyes piercing into me. I didn't know what to say to the inspector on the phone, I thought it was just some kind of sick joke. That the camera's were going to pop out of nowhere and someone was gonna yell 'PUNKED!' and it would all be okay. I thought it might be a dream, that maybe I hadn't woken up. Or maybe it was all a mistake, maybe it was a different May Rose Shapiro. They got the wrong house, they had to have. I could hear the inspectors muffled hello's in the background, trying to figure out whether I was still on the line or not. I hung up, leaned against the wall, slunk down and started bawling. My body wouldn't let me do anything more, or anything less. Every part of me hurt. The next thing I felt was my dads arms wrapped around me and I put my head into his neck and cried so hard that I couldn't breathe. 

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