Chapter 1

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(Emma and Killian both 6 almost 7)

Emma's POV

My mommy has gotten remarried and now her new husband wants us to live in his new house in his town. So my mommy is making us go.

"Mommy I dont gonna go." I whine.

"Emma Swan your 6 years old your not the boss. Plus you like David remember." My mom says.

"But Mommy..." I say.

"Its called Storybrooke and we are moving. Get into the car." She demands.

"Okay mommy." I say.

I walked into the car and I was mad. I didnt want to leave I had my friends and in this new place I wont have any.

"Honey we are here." She says.

"Mary-Margaret, Emma, Im so happy you both are here." David says walking over to us.

"Come on Emma it will he okay." My mom says.

"Yeah hun it will be alright." David says to me.

We walked into the house and my mom too me to my room and placed my things down. I looked at the boxes. I picked up my stuff bunny my dad gave me and sat on the bed.

"Emma, please come downstairs we have company." My mom says.

I walked downstairs and saw a man with three little boys behind him.

"Emma, this is Brennan and his boys. Liam, Killian, and Im sorry whats the others name?" David asks.

"Also Liam. We let Liam name him, but he goes by Lee." The guy called Brennan says.

"Well Emma the older Liam is 8, Killian is 6 like you, and the younger Liam or um Lee is 5. Say hi." My mom says.

"Hi." I say.

"Why dont you boys go help Emma upstairs." David says.

Not one of them moved so I walked back upstairs and they followed me.

"Your David's daughter now?" Liam asks.

"Yes. I am." I say.

"Why are you a girl? Girls are yucky." Lee says.

"Umm I dont know. I just am." I say.

I looked at the other one he didnt say a word the whole time they were there.

"So how did you like them? Where they nice?" David asks putting me to bed.

"Well both of the Liams were, but the other one didnt talk. I dont think he likes me." I say.

"No hun. Killian doesnt really talk much. He is more shy even more so when he meets someone knew. Plus just like you he has had a hard time. His mother and father are not together anymore. His mom remarried and his dad is dating a new woman with two girls. So he has had alot change and dont worry. When he opens up he is the sweetest and has a very smart mouth. Now go to bed." He says.

"Good night David." I say.

"Good night Emma." He says to me and turned out the light.

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