Chapter 2

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Emma's POV

I was in this new town for a couple months and today David was watching me because my mom was working.

"Emma can you come down here for a moment." David says.

"Okay." I say.

I walked downstairs and David was sitting on the couch with Killian.

"Emma, Killian is going to be here today." He says.

"Okay." I say.

"Emma take Killian upstairs to play. Please." He says.

"Okay David." I say.

"Thank you." He says.

Killian and walked upstairs and he sat down on my bed and touched my stuff bunny.

"Hey! Dont touch that!" I yell and take it from him.

"Im sorry." He says softly.

He got off the bed and started walking out the door.

"Im sorry wait. I didnt mean to be mean to you." I say to him.

"I didnt mean to touch your bunny." He says.

"Its okay. It was the last thing my dad gave me before he died." I say.

"Im sorry." He says.

"Why dont you talk to me? You have been around for awhile. Do you not like me?" I ask.

"Im sorry. Though I do like you. I just dont talk." He says.

"Can we be friends now?" I ask.

"Okay." He says.

After that Killian and I played all the time. I like him better then his brothers.

"Killian hi." I say walking over to him at school.

"Oh dont talk to him. He is lame." This boy Walsh says.

"He is my friend." I say.

"I'll be your friend." He says.

"No thank you." I say and walked over to Killian.

"Was he mean to you?" Killian asks.

"No he just told me to be his friend." I say.

"You can if you want." He says.

"No thats okay. I like being your friend." I say.

"I like being your friend too." He says.

"Then friends we will always be." I say holding out my hand.

"Okay." He says and shakes my hand.

I now had one friend in this town and I guess now I wont be alone.

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