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All of the characters belong to Queen Rowling, except fot the ones not found in the HP series.


My name is Ariana Rayson. I'm a 16 years old and I'm a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I'm 5'3 high and I weight 110 pounds. I'm really petite but I compensate it with my devilish nature, I easily get pissed of, I don't know how to keep my mouth shut, and I always have to be right. That often gets me in trouble with other students as well as the professors. I come from a pure-blood family, really wealthy and respected but I never cared much about that, although I do like that I can always get what I want. I am also an only child, so I'm a bit spoiled. My father Jonathan works for the ministry, and my mother Eleanor is a housewife. Both of my parents, as well as most of our family were at Slytherin house. But I somehow got into Griffindor. I don't know why, everyone always tells me that I have qualities of a Slytherin, but I guess the Sorting hat knows better. 

Two years ago I got asked to the Yule ball by Ronald Weasley, we didn't hang out much before that but I guess he liked me, and we have been dating ever since. I mostly hang out with him, Harry and Hermione now, I really like them and we get along pretty great. Before the whole Ron thing I used to hang out with Lavender Brown and Pavarti Patil mostly, what can I say, I'm a girly girl. I still like to gossip a lot and I pay a lot of attention on how I look, and now Hermione has to tolerate all that. Just like I tolerate her always talking about books, history and studying, but that's what best friends are for.

I am pretty well-known at school, popular you might even say, but I don't care, even though I sometimes like the attention, but every girl does. I am polite to everyone and treat everyone equally, until they do something to make me mad, than they had to stay away from me, and they did. I'm not a person who forgives and forgets, I get revenge, every day, and I never forget. That's why 'till now I have gotten into a fight with almost every Slytherin. With some because they tried to insult me, or do something to me, and to with some because they messed with my friends. I mostly argue with Draco Malfoy of course, he always does something to provoke me, and I do the same to him. Must be some kind of rivalry, to prove who is better. It used to be him and Harry who acted like that, but since I started going out with Ron, I kinda replaced Harry, not on purpose, but because like I already said, I can't keep my mouth shut so Harry didn't have a chance to react most of the time.

A lot of things happened at Hogwarts at the end of the last year. The fight at the ministry changed everything, I didn't go with them, I was never the one for that kind of stuff. I fought with words and schemed behind someone's back, I avoided actual fights. Now I guess I won't have a choice. I always believed Harry that Voldemort came back, in our 4th year, I just kind of thought that he was still weak so we don't have to worry about him yet. However last year proved me different.

It's the day before going back to our 6th year at Hogwarts. I'm at Ron's place now, as well as Harry and Hermione, I spent the last two weeks here. I enjoyed spending time with his family, they were so much nicer and warmer than mine. My parents were hardly ever at home. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that, my father is a death eater you see. How lovely. My mother isn't, but I guess she is still on that side. And I choose the other one, maybe that's what make me a Griffindor after all.

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