Chapter one: The Story

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Far away, beyond the Catash Sea, lived a certain people; an army some would say. This army holds five of the most powerful beings in the universe: Shen-ra, the half angel; Havnul, an invisible assassin; Tinwib, an automation with a heart of a star; Hifnon, a lion who bathed in the Fountain of Youth; and last but not least; Regniof, a warrior so powerful he defeated death and returned to the world to fight another day. They were thought to be nothing but a fairy tale, however, some people know otherwise. Every few thousand years, they awaken, appearing to fight the battle that no one else can. They appear to fight the Rift, a tear between worlds which splits open, allowing beings from other dimensions to crawl through: beings of indescribable horror, with incomprehensible powers.

"And that, Aella, is the story of the Hidden Army," said Gram.

"Tell the story again!" Aella pleaded.

"Sorry, but it's time to go to bed. Maybe tomorrow."

"Okay, Gram."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2017 ⏰

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