A G E N D A:
🌠Leave constructive criticism comments on TWO chapters each of your partners story!
🌠Start each chapter with #ISBC or #InterstellarBC
🌠Comment when you are finished with your assignments, Big Dipper, and Little Dipper and mention what chapters you have read. For example:
Done with Polaris: @partnersname Chapters 1 & 2
Done with Big Dipper- Prologue & Chapter 1
Done with Little Dipper- Chapters 7 & 8🌠If you are going to change your username, please message us first
🌠Assignments must be finish Saturday, April 22nd at 12:00 PM CST🌟BIG DIPPER goes to janeeMariee with her book "Rise Up And Above"
You are required to read two chapters. Remember, if you are paired with her, read four chapters since two counts as the assignment and the other two count as BOTW.
✨ Precious2024 with her book "The Killer Obsession". Read TWO parts of this book. If you're paired, read FOUR.You can get extra reads and votes from the WHOLE club by participating in the Nebulas or weekly activities.
Nebula Question: Name A Food People Consider A Snack Food
Fruit🌹These Are The Pending Assignments🌹
-romantically; pairs and dippers
typicalwhitebish pairs and dippers
Silvermoon23; pairs and dippers
angelyntjf; pairs and dippers
lindayassine-; pairs and dippers
Thegreyleo; pairs and dippers
sinnersXangels; dippers
Harunolary: pairs
ojclarke; pairs and dippersLast week pending;
applaudmebish; groups and dippers EXTENSION
ApolloPhanaeus; groups and dippers
Fabulously_Em; groups and dippers
21kays; groups and dippersRemember everyone, you read TWO CHAPTERS of your partner. TWO FOR BOTH Dippers. If you are paired with the dipper, add TWO MORE CHAPTERS
✨ Polaris ✨
ArikaiHappyLady 🌟 Vixeeey56
"Better Fly With You" ⭐ "Crooked"✨ Sirius ✨
Silvermoon23 🌟 trasholic-
"The Wind Between Trees" ⭐ "Bringing Back A Love Story"✨ Vega ✨
FlammableMistakes 🌟 _brebabe_
"Curse of Darkness" ⭐ "Saving Eileen"✨ Betelgeuse ✨
rciii1996 🌟 OfficTorielKatsuki
"Kidnapped and Wanted" ⭐ "Childhood Promise"✨ Rigel ✨
mitsangel 🌟 Precious2024
"It's Not Love" ⭐ "Killer Obsession"✨ Pleiades ✨
janeeMariee 🌟 firedance_icesong
"Rise Up And Above" ⭐ "Winter's Dance"
Hopefully everyone is placed in a pair which they're satisfied with. If you have any questions about this or the club or any issues, either comment below with my name tag @_brebabe_ or pm me on that said account.
Repeat, make sure to tag my personal account if you have any issues or concerns if you want a rapid response. I don't check this account everyday.
Have fun you guys!
- Brenna
♛Interstellar Book Club {Open}
Sonstiges♛The Interstellar Gravity Writer's Group presents to you the Interstellar Book Club! Everyone of all ages and genders are welcomed aboard as we prepare for take-off. The InterstellarBC will fly all the way to outer space while in a virtual "earth" a...