Chapter 6

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If You Left Him for Me.

Chapter 6


We were currently in the car driving to the doctors. “So what did he say?” Riker asked. “Doctor Myers said that he could possibly be having an allergic reaction.” I said. “To what?” I nodded unsure of what it could be. Maybe it was the peaches? I did give him cinnamon apple sauce earlier in the day, maybe it was that. Riker turned into the parking lot of the office. We both opened a door and grabbed a kid, Riker grabbing Sam and me grabbing Ty.

We walked through the automatic sliding doors and to the desk. “I’m here to see Doctor Myers.” I told the lady. “Oh, you must be the emergency call, right this way.” She said getting up and grabbing a file. Riker and I followed here to an examine room. “Doctor Myers will be in in a few.” She said before walking out and closing the door.

I sat down with Ty on the bed. He didn’t look good at all. His once bright blue eyes were now a dull grey color and his cheeks were bright red. There was a knock on the door and then it opened to reveal a man in his mid-50s, Doctor Myers. He walked over and sat in his chair and wrote something down in the file. “So as I said on the phone, I think it might be an allergic reaction. What has he eaten that may have caused this?” He asked. “Well yesterday he ate some peaches and cinnamon applesauce.” I said. He nodded, stood up, and put his stethoscope to his ears. He put the end on Ty’s chest and listened to him breath. “I think he is allergic to the cinnamon in the apple sauce.” I nodded. “I’ll write him a prescription for an antibiotic to make the reaction go away.” He said.

He wrote it down on a little paper and handed it to me. “It should be ready in an hour at Walgreens.” I nodded and got up with Ty still in my arms and walked out the door with Sam and Riker following me. We walked to the car and I put Ty into his seat while Riker put Sam into his seat.

We drove to our, wait I mean my house in silence. It wasn’t an awkward silence it was peaceful. Once we got to the door I unlocked it and went to put Ty to bed. Sam had fallen asleep on the way home so Riker just put him to bed too. I walked out into the living room with Riker following me. I sat on the deep blue couch and sighed. Riker came and sat next to me. He put his hand on my back, running his fingers up and down my spine. “He’s going to be okay Ella. It’s just an allergic reaction.” He said. I nodded and looked at the tall grandfather clock standing against a wall. It was currently 12:30. “Well I’m going to get Ty’s medicine.” I said before I stood up. “I’ll walk you out.” Riker said politely. I smiled slightly. “Thanks Riker.” I picked my keys up off the table near the door. Before I exited the house Riker turned my head and pressed a sweet kiss to my lips. No Tounge, no urgency, nothing. Just a sweet simple kiss that had so much power to it. When we pulled away I was practically breathless. I said my good bye to Riker and walked out the door with a smile on my face.

A/N: Okay yeah I’ve been gone for a while again. Sorry about that just some major family issues. But can we talk about little Ty? Aww the poor baby eHhis sickL. And how about that kiss? Is Ella falling in love with Riker all over again? I personally want her with Riker. No offence against Ross or anything. I love Riker and Ross both just Riker is so freaking adorable! Okay Okay Bye J

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