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~Skylar's POV~

Flashes of light, colors fading, sounds disappearing. Everything around me seems unreal as I lay dead still in the park grass. I've never crashed so hard. My body refuses to comprehend anything. I want to close my eyes and let the world slip away.

I stare lazily at the stars above. They seem to twist and swirl together. My thoughts don't seem to make any sense as word jumble together just like the stars. 'Please find me jai' I think to myself, 'Please save me' I slowly close my pain filled eyes and everything begins to fade.

~Jai's POV~

The boys and I had piled into the car after I explained Skylar's problem and how she had ran out the door to who the hell knows where.

"THE PARK!" I yell, frustrated I hadn't thought of it sooner. Beau quickly turns in the direction of the park and once we get there I fling myself out of the cramped space onto the the pavement.

"Skylar!" I call out. It's dark now and there is no sign of anyone for miles.....except, I squint hard at the figure collapsed in the grass. It takes me a few moments to realize the dirty blonde hair belongs too,

"Skylar!" I yell and run to her, I hear the boys close behind. I bend down over her on my knees as I hold her face in my hands. Her eyes are closed but she still speaks.

"Jai. You- you found me" he voice is strained and shaky, almost inaudible.

"You're so stupid Sky," I murmur and hug her body close to mine. I hear her groan in pain so I lay her back down. The boys have circled around us and James retrieved a blanket from the car. I spread it over her body and lift her up in my arms. I take her to the car and seat her on my lap as the other file in as well.

"Why did you look for me?" she mumbles. I look down at her limp figure as her eye flutter open slightly. Her eyes have taken their natural color back and her pupils are of normal size.

"What do you mean why did I come look for you?" I whisper, making sure our conversation is only between us.

"Why did you even bother, most people would have just let me run." She closes her eyes again and her lips part.

"Because I care about you Sky, I don't know what I would have done if something bad happened to you," I tell her truthfully.

"You shouldn't care. You barely know me." Her voice gets softer indicating she losing a battle with fatigue.

"You're right. I don't. But I'm willing to wait and learn everything there is about you." She doesn't answer for a minute, then I notice a single tear fall from behind her closed eyes.

"Everyone who waits eventually leaves. No one stays forever." Her voice is unforgiving, hitting my heart with an unimaginable force.

"Maybe I'm different from everyone," she chuckles softly, as if it hurts her.

"Oh you're definitely different,"

"What makes you say that?" I tuck a piece of loose hair behind her ear.

"Because if you were the same.... you'd be long gone." Her reply complete the catches me off guard, swooping the air from my lungs as I try and put the pieces together once again. I attempt to ask her another question but I can tell by her heavy breathing that she is out cold. I sigh and run a hand through my messy hair. I see Daniel staring at me from the passenger seat.

"What?" I snap, a bit harsh. He sighs and shakes his head,

"She's so fucked up" I mutters to me. Normally I would deafened her, but he's not wrong,

"I know"


I know this is sort of short but I just needed to update! I love all of you and thank you so much for all of the reads and votes! But I have a few things to say.

1) I will now be updating Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I'm sorry if you don't like that but those are the only days I'll have time now because I just go a job at the mall. (Yay me!)

2) I would like to do something special for you guys so everytime a chapter gets 10+ votes, I will give a special surprise. Weather it be an extra long update, or an early update, it depends on how I feel! hehe.

3) I need a new charter and I can't think of one so if you are interested in being part of Ms. Player, please comment or message me!

Thats all for now Beauties! love you! Buh-bye! ~~Skylar<3

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