The start of a powerful friendship

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So I've read Javan_Forever's story and thought, 'Huh that's a good idea, I should try that.' Here I am, so enjoy.

I was at the mall with my boyfriend James, when he decided to break up with me.

"Was it something I did? If so I'm sorry, just don't do this!" I pleaded to him with tears welling in my eyes.

"I've had enough of playing this game with you! I've never been interested in you from the beginning. You forced me into this and now that I'm trying to leave, you're freaking out on me!" He rips my hand from my grip. "I'm. Done." I stand there stunned until I realized that he's walking away.

"WAIT!" I ignore some glares and stares random passerby's are giving us. "Don't go!" I latch myself onto his jacket.

"Get off me!" He pushes me, I fall. When I try to get up, he kicks me in the head. "Leave. Me. Alone." I Look at him trying to walk away when a blur of black jumps on him.

"YOU FUCKING DOUCHE BAG!!!!" The person screams as they're attacking him.

"GET HER OFF OF ME! SECURITY! SECURITY!!!" He screams out and she just pushes him away from me and kicks his stomach. She walks to me with an outstretched hand.

"Are you all right?" I took her offered hand and she helped me up.

"I'm fine... Thank you." I say at last.

"I was siting on that bench and one minute you look happy, then near tears and then he kicks you and I snapped." She explains and we hear shouting.

"You little bitch! Protecting a piece of trash like that whore next to you!" She makes a growl with her alto voice an lunges back at him. She's throwing punches at his gut when two security guards try to pry her off him.

"NO!" She yells at them and they need two more guards to yank her away.

"You are banned for this mall! You can't return for disturbing the peace." They explain.

"Me disturbing the peace? I'm pretty sure that dick face over there is the one who started hiting that guy!" She said and gestures her head to me.

They drag her outside and I'm standing there stunned. I was about to turn around and find away to get to my car when I hear her voice.

"Hey, wait!" She calls and I wait for her.

"You're banned!" I say and she rolls her eyes.

"Trust me, it's gonna take a lot more than that to ban me." She waves it off. "Lyssa Kelly." She finally says.

"Andrew Barker." I say. After that we hung out for an hour until I took us home.

"You can just drop me off here, I'll walk the rest of the way home." I shake my head.

"No way! You're what, 17  years old? No way I'm letting you do that."

"One, it's literally right around the corner. Two, I'm 13." I look at her skeptically.

"No. I don't believe you." She sighs and pulls out her school I.D.

"8th grade. Jr. high." She unbuckles, gets out and starts walking.

"Where are you going?" I say and follow her.

"Home." I grab her leather jacket.

"Just let me drive you-" An annoying voice cuts me off.

"What are you doing Andy?" I turn to see 14 year old of the year, Kyle Schleis. "Lyssa?" He says when he see's her.

"Kyle." She says with hate and.... fear?

"You know each other?" I ask.

"She sits in front of me in math." He says with pride.

"He bullies me." She whispers under her breath. She glares at me when I laugh.

"What? Your like 5 '8 and he's like 4 '7."

"What are you hanging out with that slut for? She's nothing but trouble." He said and I saw her cower out of the corner of my eye.

"Talk about her like that again. I'll make you travel size instead of compact." I threaten.

"Yeah? Let her walk home to her shitty little house so tomorrow we can make fun of the bruises her customers give her." He insults her with a glare. She hangs her head and takes a couple steps back.

"Fuck. Off. NOW." I say and he looks at me with shock, then his face scrunches into a shit eating grin.

"Ooooh. I get it, you want her all to yourself. I get it, bro code, I ain't gonna cock block. Just wear two condoms to be safe, who knows what diseases that skank has." With that he walks back into his house.

"You okay?" I ask and I see her shoulders shaking and immediately know she's crying.

"I-I'm not a slut.... I've only kissed my best friend, Sophia, and that was a dare years ago." She buries her face in her hands. "They made fun of me for wearing so much makeup one day and that was only because I had a bruise." I hug her and she cries into my shoulder. "My brothers hit me so I get bruises everywhere.... And now you pitty me." I shake my head.

"No, I don't. I don't think you're a slut. I don't care if you only kissed a girl that was years ago for a dare. I don't care if you wear makeup. I do care that your brothers hit you because they shouldn't. You and I, I think this is the start of a powerful friendship."

Once that's done, we turn the corner and her house is 4 properties down.

What I said was true. This was the start of a powerful friendship...

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