This crazy teenage girl

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Now there was this girl. She was 13 and I was almost 18. I've only hung out with her twice and known her a week and a half. Apparently that was long enough for her to let herself into my house and make a sandwich while having a conversation with my mom.

"So did you practice your clarinet this week? Your concert is coming up soon." Mom asked while Lyssa munched on her sandwich.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure we have it down. Oh, hey Andrew, I wanted to show you something." She greeted when she saw me. She ate the last of her sandwich and gestured to the door. "See ya later 'mom'."

" 'Mom'?" I asked with a look. She just nodded her head. "So you wanted to show me something?" I ask while I close my bedroom door and she types something into my password.

"Seriously?" She asked in disbelief as she spins around. "You still haven't changed your password to 'Lyssaisthecoolestthingever'?" I roll my eyes and push her out of the chair. "Ow." She rubbed her butt.

She showed me the band Black Veil Brides and I fell in love instantly. An hour later she showed me My Little Pony.

"I'm not going to like this." After the first two part episode, this is what I said. "Where's the next episode!?"

She showed me different things and changed some of my views on life. She thought in some ways that no one I've ever met thought. She was my best friend. My first real friend.

My phone started ringing. "Hello?" I heard breathing followed by a far-too-familiar voice.

"Andrew. What are you up to?"

"James..." I looked at Lyssa and immediately her face turned to hate. She tried grabbing for the phone.

"Give. Me. The. Phone." She demanded. I sighed and gave into her glare.

"Hello Jamie." She said in an innocent voice.

"....Son of a-" She smirked.

"OH! Andrew, I'm on the pho-OH-ne! S-stop thrusting!" She moaned into the phone and I blushed and reached to grab it. "He's Gonn-AH! Have to call you back! More!" With that said she hung up and smirked. She let out a sigh. "See? Problem solved. Now that wasn't so hard, was it?"

"Lyssa-" I was about to comment when there was a knock on my door and it opened to reveal my very scared and shocked father.

"What. The. Hell. Was. That!?!" He asked. I assumed he heard us.

"I was trying to get someone to leave me alone.... I think it worked." She said as if it was nothing and she went back to the YouTube video that was up and hit play, only to start singing innocently.

As Twilight Sparkle once sang, 'A true true friend helps a friend in need to see the light that shines from a true true friend.'

BTW Lyssa made the book cover for this.

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