"I'm not insane....am I?"

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•Project M (Maddox, though he doesn't remember his name)•



~Sexual preference/Sexuality:
•Gay, (Seke, but he's mostly uke)•


~Special Abilities:
•none, though he has schizophrenia•



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•He has golden eyes with odd silver flecks when in his normal mode, but they turn a violent purple in his fits of insanity

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•He has golden eyes with odd silver flecks when in his normal mode, but they turn a violent purple in his fits of insanity. His hair is pitch black, but has a bit of grey in it already.•

•Maddox has two personalities basically. One is where he is somewhat normal, just skittish and a bit untrusting. He is intelligent, but doesn't know much of the outside world since he's been brainwashed and stuck in the lab for so long. He can be caring and kind once you break down his walls. His other side, the side which comes when he goes into a fit of insanity, is very dangerous. He claims that a voice speaks to him and tells him to do things, like harm himself or others. He is very violent and reckless in this form, and has been know to cause harm to doctors or himself.•

•candy, his teddy bear, shiny things, sunlight, blood•

•needles, the doctors, the lab, his 'cell', darkness•

•the code M-137 on the back of his neck and many scars from needles and such all over his body•

•Mental Patient/Experiment•

•if he's scared or angry, it tends to trigger fits of insanity•

•his bare hands, anything sharp he can get his hands on•

•none, they abandoned him•

•The doctors and such brought Mad to the laboratory to be experimented on when he was very young. He'd been an orphan, left outside of the building by parents who probably just didn't care. They were trying to create a super-intelligent being that would help others and respond to certain commands. It all went wrong though, when a medicine backfired and caused him to begin to develop an alter-ego of sorts. One time, it even caused him to attack and kill a group of five scientists who were treating him. Their project had backfired. So, they put him in solitary confinement for a while, which may have driven him even more insane. But, now they're trying to fix what they destroyed, testing him to see if he could remain stable while in the presence of others.•


~Scenario No.1:
•You are a doctor, just out of medical school and super-smart. You're so smart, in fact, that the government has called you in to work at one of their top-secret labs. You're so excited. This was what you'd been striving for! All of your hard work was paying off!

You drove to the lab and met with the staff, all of them seeming to be nice enough, all willing to work with you and such. But then you heard what you'd be doing. Instead of being able to start your own project, you were going to be reviving another one. Project M, to be exact. One quick look at the files was all you needed to protest against it. This kid was obviously insane, way past helping or stabilizing.

But, the government would hear any of it. They said you either stayed and helped with the project, or you left and abandoned the most promising chance to fame and fortune. So, you stayed.

Your first task was to meet Project M, or Maddox, as some called him. You walked to his cell, and though you'd been told he was in his straight jacket, you still got shivers down your spine when you heard the eerie singing coming from down the hall, right from the cell of the boy. You kept going, though, determined. Once there, you took a deep breath of courage and walked in after sliding your key card.

The thick metal door slid open with a creak, revealing a dimly lit room with no escape other than the door. A boy in a straight jacket with white hair was sitting in one corner, singing to himself.


~Scenario No.2:
•You were another experiment, like Maddox, just maybe not as insane or corrupted. You seemed to be doing alright, but you'd always heard stories of the failed experiment, and sometimes, when you were being taken to different rooms for testing, you could hear people talking about him, or maybe even hear the sound of him laughing or screaming.

So, naturally, you were kind of nervous when your doctor told you that you'd be put into a room with him. It was a simple test, they explained, just to see how Maddox would react to another person like you. They'd monitor them, and the boy would be in a straight jacket, so it would be perfectly safe.

You finally agreed to it, and a couple days later, you found yourself in a padded room, the restrained experiment leaned against the opposite wall.


~Scenario No.3:
•you choose•

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