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He walked with confidence down the hallway, a foolish smile on his face, for no apparent reason. He wore an unbuttoned black blazer, with a dark red sweater underneath, as well as dark jeans, and white loafers on his feet. He reached inside his pocket and retrieved his most favorite invention, the psychic screwdriver. It used psychic fields to manipulate doors, and perform other electronic shenanigans. More importantly, you could manipulate people. After centuries of perfecting it, he built such a mighty psychic field that no level of psychic training could defend against its might. It had enough power to fry a person's brain back to infant stage, with no recovery. 

He approached the guards outside Her Majesty's office. Upon sight the guards drew their weapons, staring him down. "Who are you and why are you not accompanied by a soldier? No one gets here without an escort." He stopped walking. He raised his arm, pointed his psychic screwdriver at them, and activated the green function. The guards' weapons disintegrated in their hands. Astounded, the one of the guards attempted to call for back up. Before the guard could even touch the radio, it was too late. He activated the purple function, the brain frying function. The two guards fell to the floor, crying out in pain.

He walked over the two guards' shaking bodies, in the fetal position. He opened the door, as it was unlocked. The young Queen was kneeling behind her desk, with a standard British military assault rifle, the SA80. "You think I didn't hear what happened outside? I may be the Queen of England, but I'm also a war hero. Take one more step, and I will shoot you down."

"I'm not here to kill you, your Majesty. In fact, I am here to make your acquaintance. I need your help, and you need mine. If you would like to listen, I ask that you first put away your rifle."

"I don't believe I shall. First, tell me why you're here."

"I'm a time traveler. If you don't believe me, then explain how I disintegrated your guard's guns, and turned their brains back to infant stage, with something the human race won't widely recogonize for hundreds of years." The Queen had no reply. "Because I'm a time traveler, I know what's going to happen in exactly 15 years. America is going have their last huge economic crisis, and they'll end up selling their weapons to you, Britain. They become obsolete as a super power. When that happens, you need to invade America. Yes, you heard me right. I need you to move troops to America, and declare the Second Revolutionary War."

"If this is true, why would I do that?"

"You'll find your own reasons, give it time."

"Fine, but what do I need from you?"

"I just gave it to you. Without me giving you this certainty, you would've never known that America is going to sell you literally every weapon it has possession of. And to prove it once more..." He turned around, and activated the yellow function of his psychic screwdriver. The two guards rushed into the Queen's office, guns in tact. They proceeded to force him onto the ground, weapons touching his head. "Don't say a word, scumbag. Do, and I'll paint the Queen's carpet red with your brains. Understand?" He simply looked at the Queen, and smiled.

"You'll do no such thing!" The Queen yelled, standing up, and placing her rifle down. "Stand him back up this instant." The guards obeyed, although confused. "Can't you see this man is a dear, personal friend of mine? You're both discharged from my army. You have my permission to see yourself out." After the guards left, the Queen turned to him and said, "15 years?"

He smiled and said, "15 years." He turned around, and walked out, without another word.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2014 ⏰

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