You Are:

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You Are:

You are the sun in my life
shining so very bright,
The sparkle, thats
forever in my eyes,
My Mr. Right,
always holding me tight...

You are the moon
shining so bright,
The star guiding me home
at at night,
My reason for fighting
for what's right,
The reason I stand
tall and fight,

You are the laughter,
brightening each and every day.....
The song playing in my head
all day long, every day....
The reason I sing along
ta all my favorite songs,
My night in shining armor,
My one and only protector......

I love you to the
moon and back,
Just as you love me,
so sweet and tender......
Forever and always,
until death do us part ,

You will never loose me,
Baby, this I swear,
Cross my heart,
hope to die,
You are my very strength,
my reason for living,

You are the very breath 
breathing me back to life,
Most importantly you are,
the very breath I take..

This is a poem that I wrote for the love of my life Josiah Booth I hope you like it baby!!!!!

Everything I wrote came straight from my heart and soul,you are the one I wanna spend the rest of my life with forever and always!!!!!

I hope you all enjoyed reading this, just as much as I enjoyed writing it!!!

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