Chapter 2

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I finished applying my lipstick looking myself over in the mirror to see if anything was out of place

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I finished applying my lipstick looking myself over in the mirror to see if anything was out of place. Looking myself up and down I was satisfied with what I was wearing. Grabbing my laptop and shoving it in my bag I looked myself over one last time, grabbed my keys and phone and headed off to my first class. "Class starts at 10 and it's barely 9:20 am. Can I make it to class and still buy coffee?" I asked myself looking at the map to see where the building was and lucky me a Dunkin' Donuts wasn't far. "I can make it if I walk fast," I determinedly said placing my headphones in and heading towards Dunkin.

"How can I help you?" the cashier asked.

"A medium iced coffee caramel, please," I told the cashier handing him my credit card.

"You order 134 miss, thank you." he said handing my back my card with my receipt.

"Still 20 minutes early," I yawned out looking around the store seeing that there was barely any customers right now so lucky I would be able to get out of here fast.

"Order 134!" one of the workers yelled out handing me my coffee as I walked out of the store heading towards my Psy 201 class.

"Josh," I mumbled a small smile playing at my lips as I remember the events that happened the night before. Tall, boyishly cute, captivating blue eyes and a smile to kill for. Sue me for noticing that! I'm a sucker for a guy with a great smile. "Class!" I gasped loudly looking at the time seeing that class would start in ten minutes. Groaning I took a big so of my coffee before walking as fast as o could in heels to my class.

"I picked a bad day to try and look cute in heels," I panted out power-hungry into the room luckily seeing that the professor had still not arrived. "Phew," I said adjusting my book bag and quietly finding an empty seat close to the window.

"Eloisa?" a familiar voice questioned tapping me on the shoulder.

"Yeah?" I answered turning around to come face to face with none other than Josh.

"H-Hey" he stuttered out giving me a nervous smile. "Oh, uh, it's Josh from last night," he quickly added in rubbing his thighs slowly. Something nervous people tend to do.

"Oh yeah! The guy I demolished at Guitar Hero, right?" I traded earning a chuckle and a ruffle of his hair.

"The one and only," he said slowly turning the small talk into an awkward silence.

"So you picked Psych 201?" I quickly asked pushing is away from the awkward silence that was so close to devouring us.

"Yeah, yeah, my advisor said the teacher was cool and that I should give it a try," he said as I know signaling him to continue, "so here I am! What about you? "

"Kind of the same actually," I told him setting my iced coffee and bag on the desk. "It's my major too actually, psychology. But it's great to know a familiar face."

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