With the Lights Out

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“You got good taste, Lyd.” Roger said softly. I just laid there, my body was sinkin’ down. The smoke from his cigarette was intertwining with mine. Stairway to Heaven…I knew all the words and I knew Roger did as well. This record had just been released not too long ago…but we both already loved it. He had finished his beer and I could feel him playing the drumset part on my head with his hands. I was prayin’ he didn’t catch my hair on fire or give me a concussion. I continued workin’ on my cigarette. He let up on the set part when he had to grab his cigarette from his mouth.  “We gotta’ hear that again.” Roger insisted as our song drew to a close. “I won’t play on your head this time.” He said. I smiled at him and got up to move the needle on his record player backward. “I don’t care if you play on my head, sweetheart.” I was still laughing. I was about three-fourths through my cigarette now.

 “Lydia…it’s really hot in here isn’t it? I’m so hot! What do you ya’ do when you’re this hot?” he asked. I had returned to the couch and Istood there, wedged between Roger’s knees and the table in front of the couch. I took another long puff on my cigarette and ashed it out in his ashtray nearby. I didn’t say anything for a moment.

 “Ya’ take ya’ shirt off.” I finally said, turning the lamp off beside him. The streetlight poured into his flat from outside. It was 4:50 in the mornin’ and the aura bein’ cast in from the streets couldn’t have been sexier. I had never been here this late and it was very exhilarating to me. I could see the glowing amber of Roger’s cigarette. I leaned forward and pressed my lips into his, putting my hand on his belt and pulling gently at his dark denim shirt until I had it untucked from his jeans. There were only three buttons fastened on his shirt and I had easily gotten the first one loose. Roger put his cigarette down but didn’t even slightly move his lips from mine. I got the next one undone as he pressed his lips a little harder into me. I had one more button to go and it didn’t take me much effort. I let my hand move up his bare chest slowly, my fingers running over the metal of his long necklace that I couldn’t see the end of earlier in the evenin’. Roger’s tongue was in my mouth again. He tasted of beer and cigarette smoke…and I couldn’t get enough.

 He put a hand on the back of my neck after feeling around for the ashtray in the faint light. He left his cigarette there. The thin trail of smoke it radiated was ghostly and sensual in the faded light that poured in through the windows.  I put my hands on his shoulders underneath his shirt and pushed it off of him, tugging at the wads of fabric shoved against his elbows. I finally had managed to work both sleeves off, dropping his shirt on the couch beside us. His skin was so warm and soft; so smooth under my hands. His hair fell against my face as our kiss had intensified. It was terribly difficult for me to move from his beer-soaked lips; but I kissed his cheek, his neck…and then farther down his neck. I had to pause to catch my breath because I was absolutely drownin’ in his sweet scent. I let my teeth graze his skin and my tongue lick off anything on his body.

  I could feel his necklace against my lips as I worked my way lower. For the first time tonight, I felt his heart beating against my palm. I slid my other hand down his chest, pulling my fingers over the beads of sweat on him.  I let my finger trace the edge of his jeans before working my hand underneath his belt. I could feel Roger’s fingertips on the bare skin of my back underneath my sweater; pullin’ at the soft fabric around me. I lifted myself up slightly and peeled my sweater off over my head; allowing it to fall to the floor. My skin was almost as hot as his was. I managed to unbutton his jeans. I looked up at him, his features so soft, clouded by smoke, and dancin’ in that pale light. I licked my lips and heard him exhale deeply, his head falling back against the back of the couch. I could feel him squirm a little. He gasped a couple times. I looked up at him again. He looked so helpless. It was beautiful.

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