Chapter 54.

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Delilah's POV

I started to stir awake; I was surrounded by beeping noises and muffled voices outside the room. I lay with my eyes closed for a while, they were still sore from crying, I hadn't intended on falling asleep but I guess crying can really wear you out. I let out a loud yawn assuming I was the only person in the room, I slowly opened my eyes squinting at the bright flashing light next to my bed. I turned my attention to my arm which appeared to be hooked up to a machine, there was a tube attaching to my arm to the machine which was making stupidly loud beeping noises. The rest of the room was in complete darkness, I wasn't aware I had company until something on the other side of the room moved. I instantly shot up and tried to get a closer look at who it was, they were facing away from me so it was impossible to tell, the figure was too small to be my dad and it wasn't my mum, the only other person I thought it could be a was Louis, if it was glad I would be glad he had come back, I was worried he would do something drastic. The person in my room began to wake, I could tell by the fact they were yawning and stretching like I had done only a couple minutes earlier. I sat up completely straight awaiting to see who it was.

"You're awake?" He asked in a groggily morning voice, before I had chance to reply to his question he flicked the light switch on blinding me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked annoyed as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Why do you think I'm here?"

"Louis told you didn't he?" I replied stubbornly already knowing the answer.

"He's my best friend, what do you expect?" He replied raising his eyebrows at me as he sat back down.

"That still doesn't answer my question as to why you are here?" I asked narrowing my eyes at Harry.

"Well when my best friend rings me crying his eyes out, not knowing what to do, what else would I do?"

"Louis was crying?" I asked calmly.

"I've never seen him so distraught." He admitted, his eyes fidgeting around the room.

"Where is he?" I croaked out, the lump in my throat was prominent as I fought back the tears.

"I took him home so the boys could look after him, I was seriously worried about him."

"You came back?" I questioning, surprised.

"Of course I did." He smiled.

"I don't understand." I admitted confused.

"Do you honestly think after you broke up with me I would instantly forget about you and stop caring about you?"

"You seemed like you did that before I broke up with you." I sighed leaning back onto the bed. He didn't reply, he remained completely still focusing on the door handle.

"What's going on with you and Louis?" He randomly burst out.

"What?" I asked astounded.

"Don't deny it, I see the way you are around each other."

"I can't believe I'm hearing this." I growled.

"Because the truth is hard to face?"

"No, because you're accusing me of something totally whack, he's your best friend and my best friend, what sort of person do you think I am?!" I asked raising my voice.

"You tell me."

"Get out!" I demanded. Harry was about to argue back when a doctor came bustling in, arms stacked with paperwork.

"Morning." He greeted with a half-smile. "I'm Dr Morgan, here to give you your first injection." He beamed, was that really something to be happy about?

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