Taking Over The World With Cake

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Bow Down to Lisa-hime! And you will get...a cupcake...because the Cake was eaten by Lisa-hime....so it's kind of a lie..>.>

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Prolouge: Welcome To The Land Hidden in Cake!

In a castle in the middle of The Land Hidden in Cake, run by the Okashikage (Leader of Sweets) , Lisa-hime. Who watches over all of the world. Keeping balance with her cakes, of love and joy. Lisa-hime's advisor is named Bubby, who is seen as emotionless and quiet, having a scary hard stern expression, is acctualy quite nice and kind around Lisa-hime, who is the only one who can tame Bubby. Don't take Bubby's name lightly, if looks could kill, you'd be dead as soon as she laid eyes on you. And Lisa-hime? You'd be dead as soon as she walked into the room.

Lisa-hime has a dream. No, not one of those Un-realistic dreams that people go around saying like, I'm going to do something the Simpson's Havent done, No. It's better. Lisa-hime. Plans. On. Taking. Over. The. World. Why? Because Tobi failed at it. And Lisa-hime has a GIANT Ninja Army, Cake, Humor, Bubby-san/chan, some cupcakes, and tons of randomness.

"Ne, Bubby-chan, Lets conqer the Ice Cream shop again!" Lisa, said, wearing her Crown, small and fit, not to heavy but not too light. It was something that seemed to look like a fairy crown from Fairly Odd Parents. The crown did not float above her, but rested on her head as Lisa looked infront of her with elegance.

"Lisa-hime, Didn't we conqer that last week?" Bubby said, not annoyed about going out for icecream.

"Hmm...then the cake shop?" Lisa asked.

"That was the first thing we did."

"School!" She said with an approving nodd.

"Why would you conqer a school..?" Bubby asked, almost afraid to ask...ALMOST.

"To stop the dreaded home work!" Lisa said, fist pumping.

Bubby sighed. "Fine." She clapped her hands. 3 Ninjas appeared infront of her, each having the symbol of Cake on their headbands. "Prepare to move out, seems we are going to overtake the education systems." Bubby said with a frightening smirk. The Ninjas bowed their heads and dissapeared in an instant. Lisa-hime got up from her royal throne and left out of the side door...to the kitchen, to get cake. The reason the Cake is A Lie is because She ate it all after it was offored.

"BUBBBBBBYYYY-CHAN!!" A high pitched screaming voice came from the hall, along with quick paced running footsteps. Tobi came running from the doorway, Deidara after him, growling, then froze when he saw Bubby was in the room. Tobi tackled Bubby, but Bubby didn't fall, she stepped back, taking the momentum.

"Tobi, get off or we'll have your head staked on a spear and held for all other Tobi replicas to watch." Bubby said, emotionlessly, a cold tone added, only because she never did like Tobi, having a bi-polar attitude.

"Awww, Fine Bubby-chan. Ne. Bubby-chan, what are we doing today?" Tobi screamed. Bubby didn't flinch like others did. She's had dogs barking next to her ears, and a Younger brother, Tobi's screaming doesn't affect her now.

"We are heading out to check on the education systems." Bubby said calmly, getting a clip-board out and fake glasses, since she was wearing contacts, and a pencil, acting like Kyoya from Ouran High School Host Club.

"Awwww, Ne. Can Tobi go to try take over world again?" Tobi asked, like a child asking if he could have chocolates. He leaned over her, his mask somehow making a face that was pleadeing.

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