Chapter 16: Bye Mum.

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Aphmau POV

I lounged in the cabin for a while not ready to face the others, Laurance has probably told everyone about me knowing their huge secret that they kept from me. I was enjoying my time here, I was practicing a few melodies on the piano just to keep myself from slacking.

I wasn't too far from the village, there is a possibility that they might be able to find me in a lost of time. I didn't realise until now that the village looked oddly bright in the gloomy weather, I looked outside the window to see the village on fire.

My eyes widen as I quickly wore my boots not caring if its cold outside, I ran out the door heading towards the village which was brightly lit on fire. I suddenly had a worried feeling in my stomach, what if something happened to the guys?

Although they lied to me I couldn't help but worry, if anything happened to them I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. Tears leaked in my eyes as I feared the worst, they can't leave me, even though they're vampires, they're still a prey to the heat. The fire seemed to be getting worst, from where I was running the fire got even bigger.

When I arrived the view was completely clear, a few houses were burnt down, and I heard a few screams coming from the village as well, smoke was flying from the village releasing itself into the air, luckily I saw a couple of people on the outskirts of the village holding each other close together. I smiled brightly as I saw Laurance and everyone else standing next to the people looking completely stressed out. I wonder why?

I walked towards the crowd of people trying to blend in. They still haven't noticed me, I looked back at the village which was completely drowned in ruins.

Abruptly I was tackled by a hug, I saw Zoey sobbing in my shoulder crying uncontrollably, I patted her shoulder awkwardly not knowing how to control these types of situation.

"Zoey, why are you crying?" I asked hugging her back slightly.

"I thought I lost you!" I could understand why she thought she lost me, I was surrounded by just myself with nobody with me.

"We saw a house tumble over someone who looks exactly like you, we thought we lost you." she carried on sobbing on my shoulder.

I don't even know why they're caring so much.

I stood there awkwardly, Zoey stopped crying while looking at me happily. I tugged on the diary in my hand, I quickly grabbed it before I left, I didn't want to leave it behind. The others stared at me blankly while I kept my face emotionless.

"I have a place we could stay for the night." I mumbled quietly before walking the other direction hoping they'll know to follow me.

"We all need to talk once we get there, you know that right?" Zoey grabbed my hand keeping me from leaving.

"Yeah," I mumbled quietly escaping from her clutches.

I was silently walking while I heard other footsteps behind me, I was assuming that it was the others. I arrived at my grandma house, the night was young but extremely cold.

As soon as I was about to enter the house, a sudden growl caught all of us of guard. I look behind so did the others, there was a huge six foot black wood standing next to someone who I couldn't identify clearly. Suddenly that figure came into clear, Ivy stood there grinning menacingly, thoughts crossed my head making me wonder why was she even here, but then I remembered overhearing a conversation about a witches soul possessing Ivy's poor body.

Suddenly the wolf shifted into a naked male making me blush looking away while I heard Laurance growl under his breath, the guy was tossed a pair of shorts by some other wolf who was standing next to Ivy. Someone was whimpering behind the wolf standing next to Ivy, I was curious so I tiptoed up a bit making my eyes lit in recognition. Mum was standing there with rusty clothing with cuts and bruises all over her red, bloodied body.

"Mum?" As I was about to quickly run towards my mum someone grabbed my hand from doing so. Laurance looked at me with a stern look.

"What are you doing here Gene?" Dante growled looking like he was going to pounce at him any second.

Zoey, Kiki, Emmalyn and Lucinda all had a looked of distaste on their face.

"I'm here for her!" The man growled looking at me with hungry eyes.

Dammit! It's always me.

"Give my mum!" I tried to wiggle out of Laurance's grip but he wouldn't move a single bit.

"Hand over yourself, then I'll give you her. I'm sure your vampire boyfriend wouldn't mind, after all you're just a bi-" Before he could even finish his sentence Zane and Garroth already tackled him down while Travis, Dante and Katelyn handled the other wolf. Taking us by surprise Ivy grabs my mum reaching out her knife against her throat.

"Don't make any sudden movement, otherwise the women dies." Ivy gripped the knife harder against her throat, silent tears fell down from my cheek as I struggle against Laurance's chest.

Everything happened so fast, one minute everyone was fighting then the next minute Kawaii Chan and Cadenza threw some type of flower at the wolves making them hiss in pain, I heard someone scream as Ivy slices my Mum's threat leaving her head rolling against the ground.

"NO!" No this can't be happening...

I pushed away Laurance tackling Ivy to the ground, I punched and kicked her with all my strength knocking her unconscious, the two wolves and Ivy laid unconscious on the ground as silently stood there staring at my mothers dead body and her head before my eyes. I breathed heavily feeling my throat close in and a sob arising from my throat. I was pulled into a hug, Laurance held me tight nuzzling his face in my neck. I hiccuped a sob letting all my tears and sorrow release for my deceased mother, I fell to the ground along with Laurance who kept stroking my back. Everyone was silently standing staring down at the snow.

I can't believe what was happening. The one person, who gave birth to me, the person who bared her time just so I can stay with my grandma, the one person who loved me from the very beginning. That one person was no longer alive, instead she died before my very eyes, her blood on the snow. She was gone, and it was my fault. If I had just stayed home and looked after her, and took good care of her she would be here listening to me about all my problems and telling me that it was going to be okay.

Nothing was going to be okay, after my dad died, both my mum and grandma comforted me and mourned with me for our loss. When my grandma died my mum took me in her arms and gave me comforting hugs, but the one person who would always give me hugs and kisses wasn't there for me to mourn, instead she was the one I was shedding my tears over.

Nothing will ever be the same,

But right now, I'm hungry for revenge.

And I won't stop resting until I'm satisfied.


Well, heh. R.I.P Aphmau's Mum. I just had to kill someone, sorry. :)

1267 words


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