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"W-what?" I ask taking a step back,

"Yeah, maybe you didn't notice but it was the same girl I brought home both nights" He smiled,

"Oh, well that's great for you" I said and pushed passed him walking in to the kitchen

"Are you okay?" He asked for what feels like the thousands time,

"Yeah I'm fine" I say, but I'm far from fine, I feel like someone took my heart from me, and someone did... Him.

I feel tears stream down my face, I lean on the kitchen table my head away from Harry,

"You're crying again, why are you crying?" He asks softly, and puts his hand on my shoulder but I shake it off and walk away from him,

"Talk to me, please" He says but I don't answer him,

"Are you mad at me now?" He asks following me around but I still don't answer him,

"Chris?" He asks grabbing my arm turning me around,

"NO!" I scream in his face and he goes pale, "I'm sick of you!" I yell and run into my room and lock the door.

There's a knock on the door, "Please open up, I want to talk to you" He says softly behind the door,

"Please, I just want to be alone" I manage to say through the tears,

"You're crying, please I just want to comfort you, we don't have to talk" He says, and I sigh heavily

"Fine" I say and unlock the door,

"Come here" He says and pulls me in to a tight hug, and I cry in his arms,

"It's going to be okay" He whispers, I don't answer him I just hug him tighter. We stand there for I don't know how long until someone knocks on the door,

"She's here!" He smiled and walked out my bedroom and out into the living room,

"Hey babe" I heard a girl say and I walked out to see her

"Hey" Harry smiled and kissed her, making my heart stop for a second,

"I want you to meet someone" He said to her turning around towards me,

"This is Chris, my roommate and best friend, Chris this is Melanie my girlfriend" He smiled and it was like I was stabbed in the heart, but kept a smile on my face,

"Hi, nice to meet you" I smiled,

"You too. Harry, can we go to your room?" She asked,

"Uh, yeah sure" He smiled and they walked in to his bedroom, I sighed loudly and walked towards the couch, knowing what they were about to do.

I feel asleep in my bed. For once. But she is VERY loud, so I didn't sleep that much. I walked in to the kitchen to see Harry and his girlfriend making out in front of the fridge,

"Um, can I get to the fridge?" I asked about to puke if they kept kissing,

"Sorry" Harry said and lightly pushed Melanie away,

"It's fine" I said and took out some yogurt from the fridge and grabbed a spoon, and started eating it,

"So, me and Melanie are going to go out for brunch now" Harry said and I just nodded with my mouth full of yogurt, they walked out of the apartment leaving me there. I finished my yogurt and walked in to the living room and decided to call Maisie, I typed in her number and called her,

"Hey" I said once she picked up,

"Hey! You don't seem happy. Want to meet up?" She asked

"Yes please" I said making her chuckle,

"Alright let's meet in 15 minutes at Charlie's Diner, okay?" she asked,

"Yeah, I'll see you there" I said and smiled

"Kay, love you!"

"Love you too" I said and hung up. I got dressed and then walked towards the diner.

I walked in and saw Maisie sitting at our booth,

"Hey!" She smiled,

"Hey" I smiled and hugged her,

"I ordered chocolate chip pancakes for us" She smiled,

"Great! I'm really craving that" I smiled and sat down,

"So, what's wrong?" She asked,

"It's Harry" I said "Harry? What did he do now?" She asked,

"He has a girlfriend" I sighed, "Oh, well good for him?" She said kind of like a question,

"I guess, it's just ever since that night, I think I've grown feelings for him" I said and looked down in my lap,

"Omg, you guys would be so cute together!" She squealed and I just glared at her,

"Oh no, right he has a girlfriend. But you know Harry better than I do, and he has never been in a relationship longer than a week" She chuckled,

"I guess you're right, but what makes me so different?" I asked and thanked the waiter that gave us our food,

"Because you've known each other forever, and he loves you. And I promise you that he likes you too" She smiled

"I don't think so" I said and took a bit out of the pancake

"You could also just tell him" She said

"Hell no" I said

"Why not? What's the worst thing that could happen?" She asked with her mouth full of pancake,

"He could reject me, and then it would get awkward and then he'll move out, and then I lose him" I said sadly,

"You don't know that, what if he says it back?" "He won't" I said.


"Hey! I'm home" Harry said walking through the front door,

"Hey" I said from the couch not looking up from my book,

"What are you reading?" He asked sitting down next to me. Really close.

"Harry Potter" I said

"Which one?" He asked and leaned closer to see.

"The new one" I said and just kept reading

"Uhh, is it good?" He asked,

"Yeah" I said and skootched a little away from Harry, but I don't think he noticed.

"Can I read it after you're done?" He asked.

"Sure, but I just started" I said and looked up at him, and my breath got caught in my throat by how close he was, he started leaning in.

"Harry" I whispered, "You have a girlfriend" I stated.

"She doesn't mean that much too me" He said

"What do you mean?" I asked raising my brow,

"You mean more to me" He said and pecked my lips,

"What is it that you want Harry?" I asked

"You" He smiled and kissed me.

"What is it that you want with me?" I asked him standing up

"I want you" He smiled and stood up,

"Well what do you want, for me to date you? Or just sex?" I asked raising my voice a little

"I want... I don't know what I want" He said and groaned in frustration,

"Well I'll give you time to think" I said and grabbed my bag and jacket and stormed out the door.

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