Copyright © 2014
Ugly, fat, you'll never be thin,
Just look at those rolls and big chubby chin!
Your smile is ugly, along with your grin,
Do us a favor and die from within.
Your stomach is a monstrous beast,
Is that all you do, simply feast?
Your thighs are huge, rotting meats,
Has someone gotten into the treats?
The girl simply could not resist food,
It was her life, her love, it controlled her mood.
She thought up a plan, a plan which was crude,
She stripped off her clothes, now finally nude.
She touched her large, meaty thighs,
Squeezed her stomach, then shut her eyes.
The next day she ate all her food- surprise!
In just a month, she had lost an alarming fifty-five.
Smiles from school soon turned to sneers,
"She's a walking skeleton!" whispered her peers.
But the girl did not care, she just gave them a look filled with leers,
It was all for Ana, the one who made her shed these tears.
When the girl had lost one hundred pounds,
It was too late to help her, she died without a sound.
Her family buried her six feet in the ground,
Then dropped to their knees, on the dirt mound.
Across the street was a boy decked out in black,
All he wanted in the world was a girlfriend and six-pack.
So the boy turned to Ana, who gave him a smack,
"Look at you! You need to run the track!"
His friends were impressed, they did not even pry,
They simply watched their friend's body slowly die.
The boy was taught a simple lesson that he couldn't defy,
"You can always be better, if you try."
So the boy refused to eat at all,
No liquids, no foods, he now couldn't even crawl.
His heart gave in, letting the boy fall,
He had just rung Death's bell, giving Ana her curtain call.
If you ever feel fat, stupid, or worthless,
Remember that beauty is not always on the surface.
Each of you have your own, special purpose,
So don't give into Anorexia, you're already so damn gorgeous.