Hearts Divided - Chapter 1

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Héctor and I have been dating for almost 6 months and every day I feel like I'm the luckiest girl alive. I love him, so much, but I don't know what's happening with me. I moved to London to be with him, I didn't want to move in with him right away so I still live with my best friend Arya. And she is dating Aaron Ramsey, Héctors team mate. I got a scholarship at the London university and that's when all started. I met this goofy, smart and beautiful guy, Marc Bartra. I didn't even looked at him like that. But last saturday we had a class dinner slash party and while they went out clubbing I wanted to go home, because between work and university I was tired. I got to the door and Marc stops me.

- Hey, leaving so soon?

- Yeah, I'm tired. And tomorrow is my only day off. I need some sleep.

- Oh I see. Can I atleast show you the best London pie and maybe some coffee?- It's 2am Marc.- That place is open at 24/7. So are you coming?- Yes. To be honest I'm kind of hungry. Since there wasn't any vegetarian food in here.- Sorry l, we forgot to ask. Let's go we can take the underground.

So we went. He talked about him, how he came from Spain a couple years ago and how it was hard for him to adjust to the language and the people. So we had that um common, since I also moved from another country.- We're here! Good night Natalie, can you get us 2 blueberrie pies and coffee please?-Right away Marc! - The waitress replyed.We ate and drink and talked for almost 2 hours. It was nice, I don't know a lot people here since I'm always busy and Héctor's a bit jealous.- It's getting late, I should probably go home.- Wait. I have one more thing to show you ok? I'll promise you'll like it and then I can walk you home. If you want to.- Hum, what is it?- Come I'll show you. -  he gave me a naughty smile.I know I shouldn't go since I'm dating Héctor and he went out with his friends and my phone had died. But I went anyway. He took me to the London eye. The security was his friend and he let us in. When the wheel stopped at the top with that amazing view he looked at me with those beautiful green eyes. And I felt tingles all over my body. But I shouldn't. He was looking at me and I couldn't look the other way. I was mesmerized. He started leaning and he kissed me. I felt a fire inside me, I felt alive and my body wanted more and more. But then I had to stop.- Marc. We can't do this. I have a boyfriend, he doesn't deserve this and I love him.

He didn't seem to listen to what I was saying.

- Did you felt that? Because I did.- Marc I need to go. Please.

I was getting scared of what else could happen.  So I went home alone.

When I got home Arya was a sleep and Aaron was there too. I went to bed cuddling with my cat and didn't even bother to turn my phone on. I was a mess. I woke up late, showered and went to the kitchen. Arya and Aaron were making brunch.- Hey 'morning. You got home really late. - Arya said- Good Morning guys. Yeah. I Guess.- You know, Héctor came here after the club he wanted to see you, he waited until 6am. Aaron saidI felt sick. I felt worse than trash.- My phone died. I'll call him later.- Are you guys OK? He was sad last night and he said that you haven't seen each other much.- I have work and university, I don't really have time now. I need to figure my future first and then comes the rest.- Are you sure that's all?- Yes!- Well okay, come eat something.After brunch I went to my room, turned my phone on and had 5 missed calls and 3 messages. 2 from Héctor and one from Marc. Héctor called immediately. I had to answer, couldn't run forever.- Hi princess.- Hi babe.- Can we meet? I miss you.- Sorry I have lots of work to do!- Can I come over just to say hello?- I don't know... I...- What's wrong? I havent seen you in days it looks like you are avoiding me.- No, I'm just tired. I have to go Hec. I have some work to do.- No. something is wrong!- Bye babe. I love you.I hang up. I felt like shit. I love him so much, I really do. But Marc was on my mind. I opened Marc's text. He only wrote "Thank you for the night". I didn't answered.I was on trouble.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2017 ⏰

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