CHAPTER 17- Dad Or Arthur!

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"Hello to you too baby girl, I have made sure your dad gets nice treatment over there", I say, I could feel her gasp.

"Ian", she whispered. Oh! she is scared, she should be.

"Ho..How you know about my dad"

"Oh! baby girl you should ask ' what did you do to my dad'", I said smirking. I really have the situation under my control and now she has to do what I say.

"Ian, please wha...what did you do and why"

"Listen, Ashley, you don't have much time in your hands, so stop with that fucking begging. And you want to know what I did, huh!. Then listen, I just became a few dollars poor and made the cops a few dollars richer so they did what I said"

"Why did you do that?", she said, clearly, she is crying.

"I am not finished yet, Ashley. So if you want your dad out of jail, then keep your mouth shut and listen. So where was I, Yeh, the cops did what I said and now they will search your father's shop after my next call. I have made few of my men secretly keep some drugs in the shop. I'll tell the cops where they are kept and then..... I guess you are smart enough to know that"

"No.NO.NO. Ian please what has my father did to you, please don't do this. Please, I beg you, please", Oh! women and their crying.

"Stop with that fucking crying and begging and if you want to help your dad, I have an offer for you"

"What. What's it?", I can sense how much scared she is, and I love it.

"I'll text you an address, I want you there in 20 mins, if you are even a single minute late then I'll forget about the offer"

"I'll come, I'll come, please don't do anything, I am outside the police station, I'll meet my dad and come. Please understand I want to meet my dad"

"OK! OK! 30 mins, not more. Meet your dad and come. I'll tell you what you have to do next when you come here. And yeh, do not even think to tell this to anyone especially your boyfriend or else he will also suffer along with your dad. As soon as you see my text switch off your cell phone and if you try to be smart.......I'll advise you to do as I say because I have the power to crush your family and that fucker Arthur, and trust me I'll love to do that". Saying that I ended the call.

I have another call to make. To my dear captain ARTHUR.

"Hello", my blood boils just by hearing his voice.

"Hello captain dearest"


"Yes, that's me. Your very favorite IAN PETERSON"

"Why the fuck did you call me? What do you want?"

"I really don't want anything from you but I guess you will want something from me, Ummm... How about your little girlfriend"

"Just shut the fuck up. And don't you dare even talk about Ashley or else I will rip throat....."

"Just cut that crap Arthur and listen, it's for your own benefit I.."

"Ian, I really don't have time.."

"I am gonna fuck your girlfriend today"

"YOU BASTARD don't you dare talk a shit about Ashley, trust me if you hurt her.."

"She is ready to sleep with me, I don't have to force her."

"W..What? She is not that kind of a girl I know and I trust her. Trust me if you even think of.."

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